5000 Feet at 10th Annual Runway Run!
By Garinder Grewal and Noman Butt
On Saturday, September 23, 2017, Toronto Pearson facilitated the 10th annual Runway Run, where runway 06R-24L was open to roughly 2300 community members for a 5 km run and a 2 km walk.
The event featured giveaways from generous corporate sponsors, exhibits of emergency vehicles and aircraft, music and family activities. Proceeds support local charities that uplift people and communities.
Prior to the event, on September 21 and 22, ASP and Airfield Access donated three DA drivers with vehicles and one escort for eight hours for vendors and GTAA set-up.
On event day, 12 employees with vehicles were placed around the runway to extend the Primary Security Line (PSL) from 0430-1400. Three guards were posted from 0430-1400 at Airside PSL gate to allow access for the volunteers, participants and the vendors. One supervisor was scheduled from 0430-1430 to supervise the guards and to channel correspondence between the GTAA and our employees.
ASP managers Garinder Grewal and Noman Butt were also present from 0430-1400 to oversee the operation and to ensure GTAA was satisfied with ASP’s services.
Thanks to our supervisor and employees involved in this event. Our goal to have a safe, secure and enjoyable community event was accomplished!