Changes to OHIP+
By Paul Parkinson, Director, Finance
The Ontario government is making changes to its OHIP+ Children and Youth Pharmacare program.
The changes affect OHIP-insured children and youth who are 24 years of age and younger.
What’s changing?
Children and youth with drug coverage through a private health benefits plan will access prescribed medicines through their private plan, as they did prior to the launch of OHIP+. Those with significant out-of-pocket costs, despite having a private plan, may apply for additional financial support through the Trillium Drug Program.
What’s not changing?
Children and youth with no drug coverage through a private plan will remain eligible for OHIP+. They will continue to receive drug benefits without co-payments or deductibles.
If you have any questions, please review the Ontario government’s amendment at ugs/opdp_eo/notices/exec_office_20190227. pdf.