What Motivates You?
By Debbie Ciccotelli, Director, Strategic Initiatives
Motivation is the force that drives us to do things – the inspiration behind our behaviour and our actions. It is what gets us up in the morning and keeps us going through the day.
I had the pleasure of conversing with a young man recently. He had just completed his basic training and started
work as an airport security guard. The passion this young man had for his new role was evident in his facial expressions, body language and tone of voice as well as the words which he spoke. He told me about his love for aviation and how this job fulfilled this passion. He embraced the recruitment and training process and was so proud to put on his uniform and begin work. His trainer informed me that he had never seen a new employee with such passion, energy and excitement. This young man’s positive mindset, passion and energy will be a source of motivation and energy for others.
Observing someone who is beginning their career with a true awareness of their passion and self- motivation is truly inspiring. It forces you to take a step back and ask yourself – what is my motivation? As time goes by, our motivations will change, therefore it is important we self-assess and identify those things in life that really motivate and inspire us to be the best we can be. Self-motivation is a life skill, which we should build upon and nurture throughout our entire life. It is behind our success in all areas of life and in everything we do.
Motivated and passionate employees are more resilient and energetic about their work, have a stronger sense of wellbeing and provide a positive source of energy for others around them.