7 Tips for Improving Airport Security
Looking for a way to improve your airport’s security? Then check out our guide to help you follow safety regulations while preserving your customer’s experience.
Each year, there are about 40 million departures from Canadian airports.
Are you confident that those who pass through your facility are properly screened? With so many people to screen, it’s sometimes hard to provide a safe and secure environment.
You need the expertise to cover your airport security needs. This is true whether you’re looking to protect your facility or control access to airside areas.
7 Tips for Improving Airport Security
The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) regulates the aviation industry. However, they certify private companies to provide screening services. You need a company that implements screening systems effectively.
Provide your employees and customers with peace of mind with these 7 tips for improving airport security.
1. Perform a Security Audit
First things first, perform a security audit at your facility to see what is and isn’t working.
Hire a security expert to identify specific security challenges related to your organization. This will give them an understanding of your security needs.
Based on the vulnerability assessment, you will receive a report. This will contain inspections, evaluations, and recommendations. These will cover all security processes that take place on your property.
A security audit typically includes:
- A comprehensive assessment of your facility and grounds.
- A technology analysis (of all existing technology).
- An understanding of existing security procedures and any emergency plans.
- Analyzing all keys and locks.
- Examining current asset protection strategies.
You will then have an acute understanding of your key opportunities for improvement. Then you’re able to create a detailed security plan or solution. This will complement or replace any existing procedures.
2. Review Security Videotapes
Besides an audit, regularly review your security videotapes.
One benefit of increased security is reducing checkpoint confrontation. Whether it’s between passengers or a passenger and employee, situations can escalate quickly in screening lanes.
Understanding how these confrontations happen is the first step toward employee development. So, reviewing your tape and studying these instances can provide excellent training opportunities.
Security tapes are also used in defending against personal injury lawsuits or insurance claims. The best evidence is always video. Reviewing them often will familiarize your employees with what’s occurring regularly in their respective areas.
3. Use Canine Explosive Dog Detection
Canine Explosive Dog Detection (EDD) solves the detection of explosives and trace elements of explosives.
EDD teams provide a specialized response to threats, which allows them to detect dangerous materials. This allows your facility operations to continue running smoothly, with less interruption.
EDD canines are trained to operate in remote and heavily populated areas, which makes them perfect to implement into airport security. They can even work on air crafts.
These dogs can work in all weather, including cold, rain, and extreme heat. Their bond with their trainers creates conditions for optimal performance.
4. Hire Trained Staff
The best aviation security providers will subject their employees to high-quality training programs.
Any training procedure should include customized training procedures for your facility. Staff should be trained on the assessment of risks, security equipment and devices, and quality control. This is the minimum training that should be provided to successful security staff.
You want your security personnel ready to go above and beyond what is required by law.
5. Improve Screening Lanes
Body scanners are widely used in airport security, but they are slow, not always accurate, and may raise health concerns.
Many experts agree that pat-downs and body scanners are best saved for random additional checks. This will save time in addition to the installation of automatic luggage lanes.
These new lanes capture images of luggage and other items before they go through an X-ray scanner. As bags are identified as potentially threatening, they are redirected to a separate lane. This improves wait times as the flow of bags and passengers continues in the main lane.
Not only does improving your screening lane streamline your security efforts, but it increases customer satisfaction, too. It provides your passengers with an expedited, comfortable screening process.
6. Implement Mobile Patrol
The perimeter of your facility should be as safe as the areas inside. Consider adding fully marked security vehicles that travel the perimeter of your facility on a pre-determined or random schedule.
Mobile patrol units are a cost-effective solution at locations where full-time security personnel are unnecessary. They’re constantly on the move which means they’re ready to step into action.
If your security isn’t mobile, there could be holes in your security coverage. Using vehicles to patrol the perimeter of your property means you can protect more area.
Mobile patrols also deter visible crime. Their presence will ensure that potential criminals know that your facility is not an easy target.
7. Add Pre-Security Checkpoints
Consider adding security checkpoints before your customers get to screening lanes.
Passengers are not the only threats to aviation facilities. You need to be wary of those on the outside and employees. Simple ID checks at various locations throughout your facility can reduce potential threats.
Additional pre-security checkpoints provide an opportunity to expedite the screening process.
Your Trusted Security Partner
With so many passengers passing through your doors, you need a competent and diligent security provider.
The right security partnership will ensure positive customer experiences and the utmost protection of your people and assets.
We will adapt or change our plans to provide solutions to your airport security challenges. Our experience allows us to quickly respond to changing needs and new laws more effectively.
Trust us to expect potential issues and threats. We’ll do the research to meet the unique needs of your facility. And as we learn, we’ll share the data and translate it for you and your employees.
We deliver a top-notch, customer-oriented approach to airport security. Contact us today to discuss your needs.