Message from the Accounting Team
By Paul Parkinson. Director, Finance.
Employees, as we wind down 2018 and look forward to 2019, we remind you that if you
reached the maximum contribution for the EI and CPP deductions, they will appear again in the first payroll runs of 2019.
Make sure to plan for this slight drop in the net pay.
The team would like to express our extreme gratitude to all employees for your patience as we moved to the new payroll system in May and ironed out the initial issues following the deployment.
If you have suggestions about the paystub, please send us an email and we’ll take them into consideration.
There will be one more change to the scheduling system. We will be moving to a pay period that starts on a Sunday at 00:00 and ends on a Saturday at 23:59.
Previously, if you started the shift on the Saturday night
and it ended on the Sunday, you would be paid for the whole shift on the pay
period. Moving forward, that shift will be split at midnight between theSaturday and Sunday and the hours worked will be paid in the pay period that they were worked. For example, if you started Saturday at 22:00 and worked until Sunday at 08:00, you will now have 2 hours (22:00-24:00) in the one pay period and 8 hours (00:00-08:00) in the next.
We’re doing this to streamline the processing of payroll and reduce errors that occur on statutory days.
In closing, thank you for all the hard work and efforts put in by all employees to make ASP the success that we are today.
Enjoy the holidays!