Pearson FOD Walk
By Ramakrishna Malkapuram, Operations Manager
I am incredibly happy to let you know ASP has proudly participated once again in the Toronto Pearson Foreign Object Debris (FOD) walk initiative.
The event was held on the 22nd of September 2023, the 5th day of the airport safety week. The weather was perfect for an effective clean-up, and as usual, the ASP management team comprising of David, Rushmika, Noman, and Rama were in full presence to express their unflinching solidarity for the GTAA initiative. FOD are any foreign objects found in inappropriate locations that can potentially cause damage to aircraft or result in injuries.
We were surprised what we found during our walk – items such as deflated tires, oil cans, empty water bottles, Smart Carte, deflated tires, pieces of luggage, and loose hardware were found near the apron area.
All in all, it was a successful and productive day. We have collectively decided moving forward we will invite our front-line staff to this GTAA initiative to ascertain ASP’s commitment to the safety and security of the Pearson Airport.