Submitted by Petra Nash, Executive Assistant

Submitted by Petra Nash, Executive Assistant

Courtesy of LifeWorks Wellbeing Experts

Many places around the world are looking to lift or partially lift pandemic restrictions.

As businesses start to reopen and people return to the workplace, COVID-19 will not have gone away. While some people may happily and easily try to get “back to normal”, it is understandable that some will have concerns and feelings of apprehension. There are things you can do help manage your fears as post-pandemic life begins.

Stay Informed

Stick to the facts communicated by public health agencies, medical professionals and lawmakers. Always go to reliable sources for your information, such as the World Health Organization, or the Public Health Agency of Canada, as well as your government and local health authority websites. Understanding the facts—even if they are a bit scary—is better than letting anxieties grow due to the lack of knowledge.

Put It in Perspective

Understand what is happening and how it relates to your situation. Just because restrictions are being lifted, your organization may choose to delay the reopening of your workplace. If parks or other public spaces in your area are open again, it does not mean you have to go. Easing restrictions may be happening to help certain sectors and may have no direct impact on your day-to-day life during the pandemic.

Stay Cautious

It is OK to err on the side of caution. You may be dealing with challenges and feelings that you do not understand. It is still important to follow the prevention tips recommended by your local heath authority, such as maintaining physical distancing and stringent hand washing. For more suggestions of how to protect yourself, read our article on Tips to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Ask for Help

If you are having trouble managing your anxiety, ask for help. This could range from asking someone to run errands for you if you are not comfortable going into busy places, to talking to a friend to get their perspective, to seeking professional help from a mental health professional or a counsellor at your assistance program if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Do’s and Don’ts as Restrictions Are Lifted

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol, if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Continue to follow guidelines from authorities about using public spaces and following prevention guidelines.
  • Clean frequently touched objects and surfaces in your work area, including keyboards, phones, handrails and doorknobs.
  • Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. You may also want to consider telemedicine or digital healthcare options available so that you can remain at home while seeking medical care.
  • Know what to expect of yourself. You may experience a variety of emotions. Talking about your feelings with someone you trust is a healthy way to process this evolving situation.
  • Continue to take care of yourself. Eat well, get plenty of rest and exercise, and remain digitally connected with those closest to you.

By Debbie Ciccotelli, Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives

Are you feeling as overwhelmed as I am as the COVID-19 pandemic infection rate continues to rise?  Feeling overwhelmed is normal when there is so much disruption to our lives.

We have had enough negativity in 2020 to last a lifetime. I am exhausted by the gloom and doom and disheartened by what is currently happening in our community and world around us.

I believe that it is important to talk about our experience and the reality of what we are going through, so I thought I would share some personal experiences which COVID has had on me and my family.

I lost a cousin to COVID in April this year – he died in hospital alone and only his wife and mother attended his funeral.  I have a young niece who has both Parkinson’s and Addison’s disease, which has resulted in a severely compromised immune system, confining her to her home.  My daughter is an essential worker and is suffering anxiety from fear of bringing COVID home, as well as for having made the choice to send her 2 children to school.  I personally am in the vulnerable age sector and have been working and locked down in my home since March. I have not been able to see my children or grandchildren, whom I love dearly and miss more than can be imagined.  My 5-year-old granddaughter is in JK and due to minor cold or flu symptoms has been required to go through COVID testing three times already. Five days prior to finishing this article, my father passed away at home and we made the decision not to have a funeral service and to wait to hold a Celebration of Life when it is safe to do so – it is the right decision but somehow it seems wrong.   

Many of you are experiencing similar, if not more difficult, challenges.  In these troublesome times, it is important to think beyond ourselves and consider what others are facing.  How you respond to stress during the COVID-19 pandemic can depend on your background, your social support from family or friends, your financial situation, your health and emotional background, the community you live in, and many other factors.

I am generally a very positive person and I have tried very hard not to let the impact of the pandemic get me down, but like many people there are times when I struggle to cope, which is a normal reaction.  During these periods, receiving support and care from others has had a powerful effect on helping me cope with challenges. Spending telephone or virtual time talking through concerns, thoughts and feelings with supportive family and friends gives me a sense of comfort and stability.

Our world has not faced anything like this in over a century. It’s big. It’s ok, and even appropriate, to not be ok.  Allow yourself to feel the reality of what you’re going through. Reach out, if it would help to talk to someone (it probably would). You don’t have to present a brave face to the world, if you’re having a tough time – If negative emotions threaten to overwhelm, find a counseling professional who works with people virtually or by phone, such as ASP’s Employee Assistance Program (LifeWorks).

Connecting on a personal level, extending compassion and assuming positive intent from others may make all the difference for someone who is really hurting, either visibly or below the surface.  It is important to understand the power we each have to connect and lift each other up, especially during the holiday season when we cannot be with the people we care about the most.  These small interactions can make a massive impact on others.

If you want to be a respectful co-worker during this challenging time, show your peers you care by taking time to understand their world, stay in touch, and find ways to offer support. If we do, we may just come out of the other side of this health crises closer and more connected to each other.  But if you’re really struggling as you watch it all unfold, feeling fear as this thing marches closer, or mourning your own real losses, that’s a normal reaction too.   It’s better for our mental health to see this time as a collective challenge – one that is extremely difficult but remember: We’re all in this together

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou

With a vaccine arrival and the end of this horrible pandemic on the horizon, we will get through this and regardless of how people remember their own circumstances, I am convinced that they will have long-lasting memories of how others treated them.

By Laurel Woodhouse, Health and Safety Manager

What’s the Danger?

When you’re cold, blood vessels in your skin, arms and legs constrict, decreasing the blood flow to your arms and legs.  This helps your critical organs stay warm, but you risk frostbite in your extremities.

Cold-related illness and injuries can cause permanent tissue damage or death.  The toe, fingers, ears and nose are at the greatest risk because they do not have major muscles to produce heat.


Adjust the pace or rate of work – not too low that a person becomes cold, nor too high and cause heavy sweating or wet clothing.

Allow time for new workers to become accustomed to the conditions.

Make sure that protective clothing is worn at or below 4°C. including layers of warm clothing, with an outer layer that is wind-resistant, a hat, mittens or insulated gloves, scarf, neck tube or face mask and insulated waterproof footwear.


Occurs when tissue temperature falls below the freezing point or when blood flow is obstructed; symptoms include inflammation of the skin in patches and slight pain.  In severe cases, there could be tissue damage without pain or burning or prickling sensations that result in blisters.


  • Get medical aid.
  • Warm the area with body heat—do not rub.
  • Don’t thaw hands and feet unless medical aid is far away and there’s no chance of refreezing. It’s best to thaw body parts at a hospital.


Is the most severe cold injury. The excessive loss of body heat can be fatal.  

Moderate symptoms • Shivering • Blue lips and fingers • Slow breathing and heart rate • Disorientation and confusion • Poor coordination

Severe symptoms • Unconsciousness • Heart slowdown to the point where pulse is irregular or hard to find • No shivering • No detectable breathing. Although these symptoms resemble death, always assume the person is alive.


  • Hypothermia can kill—get medical aid immediately.
  • Carefully move the person to a shelter. Sudden movement can upset heart rhythm.
  • Keep the person awake. Remove any wet clothing and wrap them in warm covers.
  • Move workers to a heated shelter and seek medical advice.

Identify Controls

  1. Survey and monitor the temperature
  2. Train managers, supervisor and workers on symptoms, safe work practices, rewarming procedures, proper clothing practices, and what to do in case of cold injury.
  3. Use buddy system to watch for symptoms in others.
  4. Wear several layers of clothing rather than one thick layer to capture air as an insulator.
  5. Wear synthetic fabrics next to the skin to “wick” away sweat.  
  6. If conditions require, wear a waterproof or wind-resistant outer layer.
  7. Wear warm gloves, hats, and hoods. You may also need a balaclava.
  8. Tight-fitting footwear restricts blood flow. You should be able to wear either one thick or two thin pairs of socks.
  9. If your clothing gets wet at 2°C or less, change into dry clothes immediately and get checked for hypothermia.
  10. If you get hot while working, open your jacket but keep your hat and gloves on.
  11. Take warm, high-calorie drinks and food.

By Sarah Northrup, Human Resources Director

It is my pleasure to introduce and welcome our new Health and Safety Manager, Laurel Woodhouse to our ASP family.

Laurel joined the Human Resources team on November 2, 2020. I can attest to the idea that joining a new company is not easy this year, as I know a number of our employees can also relate to! Laurel spent her first month with ASP.  with a laser focus on the public health crisis affecting us all. Laurel has established partnerships with our leadership teams across the country.

Laurel has an extensive career as a Health and Safety specialist and a wealth of experience fostering a health and safety culture. A Certified Health and Safety Consultant, Laurel has built and grown pro-active safety systems in a variety of industries for the last 15 years.

Laurel has a strong philosophy of putting safety first and unique experience in both federal and provincial health and safety legislation which will be a definite asset to the company. Her approachable personality combined with her collaborative approach has already made her a great contributor to the ASP family.

Located in our corporate HQ office in Burlington, Laurel’s work will take her across the organization.  

Please join me in giving Laurel Woodhouse a warm ASP welcome.

By Garinder Grewal, Airport SDM, YYZ, Aviation K9

Congratulations to all of the Access Control Guards that achieved a perfect score of 50/50 on their first attempt of their 2020 recertification test.

For those who missed the mark, don’t worry! Keep working at it and you’ll get 100% next year!

  • Banugopan, Anuratha
  • Coluccio, Sophia
  • Gill, Sukhmani
  • Karma, Marin
  • Mohamed, Abdirahman
  • Parmar, Shinder Kaur
  • Sasan, Mandeep
  • Singh, Kanwar Harpal
  • Tiwana, Rupinder
  • Vakeeswaran, Sinthujan

  • Bauman, Margaret
  • Dhamoon, Arjun
  • Ilir, Hanxhari
  • Karruku, Nevila
  • Nadan, Rushmika
  • Patel, Urvish
  • Sharma, Rekha
  • Sodhi, Jaswinder
  • Walia, Tajinder Kaur
  • Karshe, Jabrel
  • Brati, Mustafa
  • Dharni, Raveena
  • Jain, Arun Kumar
  • Kaur, Jasbir
  • Nijjar, Harpinder
  • Samra, Ashok
  • Sidhu, Harjinder
  • Sond, Sukhjit
  • Weheliye, Abdulhamid
  • Ndreu, Lejla
  • Chowdhury, Jarar
  • Gill, Amarjit Kaur
  • Kalia, Meenal
  • Mohamed, Mohamed
  • Panchbhaya, Saeedahmad
  • Samra, Kartar
  • Singh, Amolpreet
  • Sulo, Orion
  • Yonan, Sany

By Garinder Grewal, Airport SDM, YYZ, Aviation K9

We are at once happy and sad to announce the retirement of our Access control Guard Fatos Strazimiri.

We really enjoyed working with Fatos over the last 12 plus years, and we consider him not only a valuable asset but a true inspiration for all of us as well. His hard work, dedication, and diligence have greatly benefited ASP, and his ability to train/encourage other employees will be missed. It has always been our pleasure to work with him. So, while we are saddened to see him go, we are confident that he will find the same success and happiness in retirement that he experienced during his time with ASP. We wish Fatos the best in his future endeavors. Retirement will surely offer him many new opportunities, which we know he will embrace wholeheartedly, just as he did at A.S.P. Incorporated.

By Noah Thompson, Senior Manager, Special Projects & Information Systems

In September of last year, ASP launched a proprietary mobile application, “X-Guard”.

Currently in use with our Crossing Guard Operations Team, X-Guard features a full host of scheduling and mapping tools to assist our front-line team with shift check-ins and our admin staff to ensure our team is on site each day to ensure the children of Toronto get to school safely.

We have recently embarked on an overhaul of our admin tool that will provide more intuitive and functional feature sets within the system. The updated tool will provide our admin staff an opportunity to manage our front-line team even more efficiently.

The overhauled admin tool will also be available on the client side of the application and will feature a whole new look and feel, offering an improved user experience to our valued customers.

The new tool is currently in testing and set to release in January 2020.

By Darren Scott, Advanced Forecasting Analyst

Never miss an available posting again using the inTime App.

The inTime App improves communication by putting your schedule on your smart phone. From the App you can:

  • View your schedule. No more logging on to your desktop to see what days you’re working and when you have vacations.
  • Easily make plans around your work schedule.
  • Sign up for shifts and overtime.
  • Apply for Leaves.
  • Sort and filter available postings.
  • Receive mobile alerts and notifications. Was there a change to your shift start time? The app will send you an alert as soon as a change made.
  • Punch in and out.

Have You Set Your Preferences?

Using your portal or inTime App, you can tell Resource Planning when you prefer to work. When an individual shift is open or a long-term assignment becomes available, your preferences are reviewed to assist scheduling. Without having preferences set on your portal you may be overlooked.

For more information regarding the App or if you require assistance, please contact Resource Planning Department.