By Angus Wilson, Director, Aviation Services
I would like to thank and commend everyone for all their hard work and continued dedication as we work our way through the ever-changing environment that we find ourselves in.
There has been so much activity in the Aviation Security world that I am only going to highlight a few items for each of our airport security contracts at YYZ, YYC and YSB.
Security Services at Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ)
With the constant evolving challenges and requirements presented to us due to COVID-19. ASP has continued to provide excellent service to the GTAA. Not only in the service we provide to our clients, but also how we train employees. We are now doing a combination of online and classroom training to ensure all of our valued employees are kept up to date with their training.
We at ASP have supported the GTAA with a number of trials over the last few months, by providing this vital support to the GTAA it has enabled the GTAA to operate at an optimal level, giving the travelling passengers through GTAA the confidence that every step is being taken to ensure their safety and wellbeing is of paramount importance.
An example of this is our Specialist team who are ensuring that every passenger, employee and contractor comply with safety regulations and wear masks within the Terminals. Below we have an email from Bryan Scott, Associate Director – Security Operations commending the ASP Specialist team on their efforts in carrying out this vital function.
Good afternoon Garinder, sending a quick note of thanks and appreciation to you and your team for the continued professional and positive service being provided. With the current and unprecedented environment, we find ourselves in, you and your team have maintained and exceeded the service level needed at Toronto Pearson.
As we, together in partnership, work in keeping everyone safe and secure at Pearson, we added a new level of health conditions. The additional health conditions are a vital part in keeping the airport operational and is the base for future rebuilding of the aviation industry. It is appreciated that when asked there was no hesitation in providing the necessary resources to assist in this endeavour. It was an unknown area, with unknown scenarios, and with the support of your organization we were able to implement appropriate and unprecedented measures to limit the health exposure to passengers and employees. The work to set the health practices in place has been recognized, most recently with Toronto Pearson Airport being the first Canadian airport to be accredited under the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Health Accreditation programme.
I have heard of reports and been part of many incidents of good and unfortunately not so good behaviour from the general public and our airport employee colleagues. It is appreciated of the continued professional and respectful manner that you and your team take when interacting with the sometimes-inappropriate behaviour of the few. It is also appreciated of the dedicated and consistent approach to advising and educating everyone on the needed health direction, as we continue to try and protect people, the airport and the industry.
Please pass along my thanks and appreciation to all who have and continue to help us through this time.
Thank you,
Congratulations to Toronto Pearson Airport on being the first Canadian airport to be accredited under the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Health Accreditation program. All ASP employees at Pearson Airport can feel proud for your contribution in this program.
Security Services at Calgary International Airport (YYC)
Firstly, I would like to congratulate our client Sherry Beard on being promoted to YYC’s Director of Security, Safety and Environment. We look forward to having a continued partnership with you for many years to come.
Secondly, congratulations to ASP’s Daniel McCormack on his promotion to Quality Assurance Manager. Since taking over the role, Daniel has made a number of excellent improvements to the service we are delivering to YYC. One of these is modifying ASP reports to replace YYC Incident Reports enabling YYC to receive regular occurrence updates that are identified by our security team at YYC.
There has been a number of client commendations for the ASP Security Team at YYC over the summer. Samantha Johnson, Cam Schulte, Shannon Jacobson, Jaspreet Badesha and Derek Steman are a few I would like to mention. Thank you for your fantastic work and great service you are providing.
Security Services at Sudbury Regional Airport (YSB)
There has been a number of changes with the Service we are providing at Sudbury Airport.
Welcome to Dawn Larsen – Manager, Marketing, Communications & Customer Experience who has taken over as our client for the Greater Sudbury Airport.
In addition, ASP’s Noman Butt, Client Support Manager, has taken over the management of the Security contract for ASP
Protection of health, safety and well-being of employees and passengers is of utmost importance not only to the Greater Sudbury Airport, but is crucial to the service ASP delivers to our clients. As such we have run a course on Security Operations and Customer Service with the ASP team at GSA. It was a great training session with our client Dawn attending and providing some valuable insight. The focus and contribution from the team was over-whelming and is evident that the ASP Security team are passionate about the work they undertake at GSA.