By Angus Wilson, Director, Aviation Services

I would like to thank and commend everyone for all their hard work and continued dedication as we work our way through the ever-changing environment that we find ourselves in.

There has been so much activity in the Aviation Security world that I am only going to highlight a few items for each of our airport security contracts at YYZ, YYC and YSB.

Security Services at Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ)

With the constant evolving challenges and requirements presented to us due to COVID-19. ASP has continued to provide excellent service to the GTAA. Not only in the service we provide to our clients, but also how we train employees. We are now doing a combination of online and classroom training to ensure all of our valued employees are kept up to date with their training.

We at ASP have supported the GTAA with a number of trials over the last few months, by providing this vital support to the GTAA it has enabled the GTAA to operate at an optimal level, giving the travelling passengers through GTAA the confidence that every step is being taken to ensure their safety and wellbeing is of paramount importance.

An example of this is our Specialist team who are ensuring that every passenger, employee and contractor comply with safety regulations and wear masks within the Terminals. Below we have an email from Bryan Scott, Associate Director – Security Operations commending the ASP Specialist team on their efforts in carrying out this vital function.

Good afternoon Garinder, sending a quick note of thanks and appreciation to you and your team for the continued professional and positive service being provided. With the current and unprecedented environment, we find ourselves in, you and your team have maintained and exceeded the service level needed at Toronto Pearson.

As we, together in partnership, work in keeping everyone safe and secure at Pearson, we added a new level of health conditions. The additional health conditions are a vital part in keeping the airport operational and is the base for future rebuilding of the aviation industry. It is appreciated that when asked there was no hesitation in providing the necessary resources to assist in this endeavour. It was an unknown area, with unknown scenarios, and with the support of your organization we were able to implement appropriate and unprecedented measures to limit the health exposure to passengers and employees. The work to set the health practices in place has been recognized, most recently with Toronto Pearson Airport being the first Canadian airport to be accredited under the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Health Accreditation programme.

I have heard of reports and been part of many incidents of good and unfortunately not so good behaviour from the general public and our airport employee colleagues. It is appreciated of the continued professional and respectful manner that you and your team take when interacting with the sometimes-inappropriate behaviour of the few. It is also appreciated of the dedicated and consistent approach to advising and educating everyone on the needed health direction, as we continue to try and protect people, the airport and the industry.

Please pass along my thanks and appreciation to all who have and continue to help us through this time.

Thank you,

Congratulations to Toronto Pearson Airport on being the first Canadian airport to be accredited under the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Health Accreditation program. All ASP employees at Pearson Airport can feel proud for your contribution in this program.

Security Services at Calgary International Airport (YYC)

Firstly, I would like to congratulate our client Sherry Beard on being promoted to YYC’s Director of Security, Safety and Environment. We look forward to having a continued partnership with you for many years to come.

Secondly, congratulations to ASP’s Daniel McCormack on his promotion to Quality Assurance Manager. Since taking over the role, Daniel has made a number of excellent improvements to the service we are delivering to YYC. One of these is modifying ASP reports to replace YYC Incident Reports enabling YYC to receive regular occurrence updates that are identified by our security team at YYC.

There has been a number of client commendations for the ASP Security Team at YYC over the summer. Samantha Johnson, Cam Schulte, Shannon Jacobson, Jaspreet Badesha and Derek Steman are a few I would like to mention. Thank you for your fantastic work and great service you are providing.

Security Services at Sudbury Regional Airport (YSB)

There has been a number of changes with the Service we are providing at Sudbury Airport.

Welcome to Dawn Larsen – Manager, Marketing, Communications & Customer Experience who has taken over as our client for the Greater Sudbury Airport.

In addition, ASP’s Noman Butt, Client Support Manager, has taken over the management of the Security contract for ASP

Protection of health, safety and well-being of employees and passengers is of utmost importance not only to the Greater Sudbury Airport, but is crucial to the service ASP delivers to our clients. As such we have run a course on Security Operations and Customer Service with the ASP team at GSA. It was a great training session with our client Dawn attending and providing some valuable insight. The focus and contribution from the team was over-whelming and is evident that the ASP Security team are passionate about the work they undertake at GSA.

By Cliff Sampogna, Director of Operations, Residential/Commercial Division

Over the last few years, the Residential and Commercial division has experienced a lot of change. This change has created a unique and special environment throughout the organization.

As I reflect on how we have grown and adapted to the change, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on our successes and learning opportunities. When I first started with ASP Security (more than five years ago) the RES/CIC division was in a position of creating an identity and working towards creating a brand that would allow us to provide the specialized services that we wanted to our clients and our ASP family members.

The last few years have seen immense growth and brand recognition. This is usually something that is looked at as success at a senior level, but I can truly say that this is not because of anything I have done, but is because of everything our ASP family in the field and support team has done. Our team in the field is second to none and as I continue meeting new and veteran employees I am continually amazed by the passion, drive, and love for the organization you all have for making ASP successful. Because of you, we have been able to have the success we have had.

During these tough and unprecedented times, I have seen people sacrifice so much and dedicate themselves to their positions to make sure that we continue serving our clients at the level they expect from ASP This is a true testament to your character and work ethic.

2020 has been a very challenging year for the world and ASP has not been isolated from these challenges; because of the work our ASP family has done, we have been able to become even stronger and have been able to use our strength to get through these tough times.

We have a lot of projects on the go currently and I look at these as new positive challenges that I get to pursue with confidence, because of the concrete foundation that our team has built in the field and in the office. Our growth is truly because of the reputation that all of you have created for our organization and I cannot be any more humbled to be the person that gets to lead this amazing team into the next phase.

Some of the projects that you will see in the near future will be new vertical markets within the division, as well as technological updates and processes. Another great initiative our management team is doing is to create a strong succession planning with our ASP family. This will allow us to continue identifying and growing our team members within for future growth and opportunities. If you have an interest in opportunities within the company, I encourage you to reach out to us and let us know.

Over the next several news articles, I will continue providing you with new and exciting things that are happening within the division. I look forward to the next phase of our evolution.

By Vince Bozzo, Director of Operations, Aviation Division

What an extraordinary team! On August 9, 2020, we received a wonderful note from our partners at Toronto Pearson International Airport, expressing their gratitude for an OSR team that truly went above and beyond!

A passenger arrived from Greece and collapsed at the bottom of the escalator leading into Terminal 1 Customs Hall. Without hesitation, Emirates crew jumped into action. After finding no vital signs, they started CPR compressions, while switching teams and supporting each other in counts and procedures.

At the same time, OSR Manager Harprit Kaur grabbed a defibrillator from the PIL (Primary Inspection Line), which was used to administer a shock. Once the EMS team arrived, they took over the situation. The passenger was revived and transported to the hospital with vital signs. Thanks to amazing teamwork and quick reaction, this passenger’s life was saved!

Thank you to Harprit and our fantastic OSR team members who supported her that day.

Harprit Kaur, OSR Manager

By Debbie Ciccotelli, Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives

Our ASP support service teams play an integral role in our business. These teams include our Finance, Human Resources, Administrative and Resource Planning teams, who provide many key services ranging from client invoicing, payroll, scheduling, recruitment, employee communications, leave management, etc.

From Back to Front: Natasha Stephenson-Belle (Manager),
Harpreet Saini, Colin Catney and Hardeep Khaneja

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, A.S.P followed the recommendations of Health Agencies and elected to reduce or temporarily lock down offices and transition office support employees to a remote (work from home) environment. This transition required the company to ensure that these employees had the required tools and technologies to effectively work remotely and our employees had to quickly adapt to this new way of working.

While we recognize the challenges our front-line

While we recognize the challenges our front-line essential services employees experience, our office support staff also experienced significant challenges adapting to working remotely, which were further complicated by school closures, spouses/partners also working from home or job loss, pressures of social/physical distancing as well as the increased workload associated with COVID-19 business disruptions.

Challenges such as:

  • Lack of home offices/space or privacy
  • Distractions/interruptions in the home environment
  • Learning and relying on new technologies and associated technical difficulties
  • Feeling disconnected from their teams
  • Balancing work and private lives

Most of us are “wired” for human connection; when forced to unplug from these connections and relationships, we feel the effects of isolation and loneliness and the adjustment to working remotely impacts each of us in different ways.

These individuals put in the effort, quickly adapted to working from home, stayed productive and focused. I know it wasn’t easy.

Their commitment, dedication and discipline were critical to our ability to maintain business continuity and serve and support our front-line employees during this difficult period. I am extremely proud and inspired by the way these individuals rose to the challenge. Loyal and dedicated employees like this are the foundation of our company.

As we begin to transition to the next phase (reentry), I wanted to take a moment to thank our office support team employees for what they have they have done – their contributions made a difference.

By Debbie Ciccotelli, Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives

It is my pleasure to introduce and welcome our new Technical Writer, Zoma Ogbonna, to our ASP family.

Zoma officially joined us on September 21, 2020, when she began an extensive onboarding/orientation program for a few weeks to familiarize her with the organization and our business. She will be working across the organization and reporting to me.

Zoma has over 14 years of Technical Writing experience. Prior to joining ASP, she held the position of Senior Business Analyst and Technical Writer at Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. Zoma holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature and Ethics from the University of Toronto, as well as a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

Zoma has a wealth of expertise and experience in developing RFP proposal documents, as well as corporate and operational policies, plans and procedures. Zoma’s project management and process review experience will be a definite asset to the company; her bubbly personality, combined with her collaborative approach, makes her a great fit to the ASP family.

Zoma will be based in our corporate HQ office in Burlington and her company email address is

Please join me in giving Zoma Ogbonna a warm ASP welcome.

By Noah Thompson, Senior Manager, Special Projects & Information Systems

We are proud to announce that the long-awaited SRA (Service Request Application) development has completed. The SRA is a fully functional mobile application for ordering all services from Explosive Detection Dog Teams to Access Control and everything in between.

The SRA allows for full control of the services ordered and includes a budget-tracking feature for our valued clients to keep track of their funds spent on services ordered from ASP

Extending and changing service requests can be done within the app and notification of changes are sent in real time as schedules are filled and adjusted.

Our onsite supervisors will utilize the app to mobilize required staff for the day-of operations and have the ability to work with clients onsite to make schedule adjustments.

Visibility of all services ordered, past and present, allows for the monitor and control of invoices and future requests.

Direct connectivity to our resource planning team ensures that the services ordered are accurately scheduled and deployed to the correct locations.

The SRA is currently in beta testing and will be available to existing clients in a staggered roll-out through mid-October and available to all of our clients in November 2020.

ASP is excited to move towards a paperless process that is accurate and efficient, giving our clients more time to focus on the work that matters to them and the confidence to know that our team of experienced personnel will be there to support their front-line teams.

By David Ramlagan, Training Coordinator, Aviation Security

Our clients, whether they are airport authorities or property/project managers, are people who we instinctively view in a high regard. We have all seen them around the job site from time to time and are very aware of when the “boss” is around.

Clients are viewed as leader figures who can answer our questions and provide support when needed. However, when disasters with tragic consequences occur and questions cannot be answered, our clients look to you to lead the way.

We have been inadvertently thrusted into the spotlight during this pandemic. Airport access points seem to be moving towards the front-of-house, where we must deal with more people and enforce stricter measures. You have been shifted out of your comfort zone and are working tirelessly to ensure this virus does not take any more lives.

Our clients are noticing your efforts. The spotlight is on you and your actions will be remembered for a very long time.

The definition of the word “Guardian” means to keep safe from harm or danger; protect; watch over. You might look at yourself as just another employee, but these are things that many pray for during times of distress. As a Guard, this definition also describes the natural qualities you carry, and an underlying reason why you chose the security field.

Protocols can fail during a crisis. But your ability to quickly adapt, keep the flow of information open, and restore a sense of order and safety reminds our clients of how vital you are. I have always considered each ASP employee an everyday superhero, but your response to COVID-19 now has many others thinking the same.

Syed Alvi positioned at a new front-of-house location at Toronto Pearson

By Daniel McCormack, Quality Control Manager

New normal is something that we have heard quite a bit since the beginning of the year.

We are in a different time and every aspect of a company’s operation has had to change in order to adapt and overcome. ASP wants to ensure that the goal of continued growth and success is achieved each quarter, and it is only possible when all work toward that goal.

What does that mean for you, me, and the company? Adapting. Adapting training and procedures so we stay safe, stay effective, and stay on top of the fluid and changing landscape of the pandemic era. This will make the post-pandemic transition easier and sooner. What does it look like? It is increased virtual training, emphasis on digital reporting and ensuring that we are following public health measures as we perform our roles.

At YYC this quarter, we have completed virtual and reduced-capacity training, and have begun overhauling our iSpring modules. Our staff have reported positively on the comprehensive modules for radio communications, report writing, and of specific note, the Guardtek how-to module, which presents our guards with an intimate knowledge of how to utilize Guardtek to the best of their ability. A strong positive of the training being virtual is that anyone can finish the training on their own schedule, which many of our team enjoy. Staff have expressed that they appreciate being able to go over the material at their own pace.

The future of training and engaging with staff in incentive programs is all virtual. The new normal training landscape for ASP is one that uses venerated technologies and software to deliver, receive and improve upon these things.

All of you, across all ASP sites, are encouraged to put a piece of yourselves in the training by providing feedback so that we can continue to innovate. It is the cooperation between us all that will get us through the good times and the tough times. If you have ideas, we want to hear them!

By Elizabeth Warwick, Operations Manager

Samantha Johnson & Cam Schulte

SOC Operators Samantha and Cam received an urgent video review request from an out-of-province police agency, regarding a homicide suspect who had landed in Calgary on an inbound flight.

The two operators quickly began reviewing CCTV footage and were able to identify and locate the suspect based on a photo provided by police. They saved a total of 16 video clips and were able to provide the police with very important details to assist in their investigation, including the exact time and taxi number that the suspect left in.

Both the police and the YYC Security team were extremely appreciative of the assistance of these two dedicated and skilled operators!

Samantha Johnson, SOC Operator, receives Certificate of Recognition from Dean Lovric, President & CEO

Shannon Jacobson

Supervisor Shannon Jacobson was conducting groundside patrols of airport property when she observed an individual who was behaving in a suspicious manner in one of the parking lots.

She approached the individual who informed her that he was waiting for a friend, but Shannon felt that something was off. She reported the suspicious individual to the on-duty SOC Operators who monitored his activity via CCTV. The individual then started trying the door handles of parked cars in an attempt to find an unlocked vehicle. Calgary Police Service Officers were dispatched and located the man inside of an unattended vehicle. The individual was subsequently arrested.

Jaspreet Badesha, SOC Operator, receives Certificate of Recognition from Angus Wilson, Director, Aviation Services

Jaspreet Badesha and Derek Steman

SOC Operators Jaspreet and Derek were on shift when they received an urgent report of an individual who was observed walking airside and crossing runways and taxiways, presenting a major security and safety concern to himself and others.

The two operators quickly responded and began reviewing CCTV and dispatched Calgary Police Service. It was determined during the investigation that the individual was disoriented and confused due to medical issues and had climbed over the fence to enter the restricted area without realizing he was on airport property. Jaspreet and Derek went above and beyond their duties to assist the IOC team, and even spoke directly with the individual to determine the details of the incident and assist with providing translation services for the individual.

Derek Steman, SOC Operator, receives Certificate of Recognition Angus Wilson, Director, Aviation Services

By Darren Scott, Advanced Forecasting Analyst

If you are using the InTime app, your password will expire every 45 days. This is for security reasons and you must choose a new one.

If you are like me and have too many passwords already, I would suggest swapping between two. If you have difficulties resetting your password or forget your password, follow the below instructions:

  1. Verify we have your correct email address in the system.
  2. Select “Forgot Password” and enter your email address.
  3. Follow the link in your email to select a new password.
  4. Enter your login information:
    – Company: ASPInc
    – Username: Provided from HR and Resource Planning
    – Password: XXXX
    – Server: select server3

Time to Fall Back!

Daylight Savings Time ends on November 1, 2020. Don’t forget to adjust your clocks accordingly!