Staying motivated can be tough, especially when falling back on familiar routines feels a whole lot easier. Consider these tips to help stay motivated when it comes to health goals:
Stay connected to your why Vision boards can be powerful motivators, offering graphic images that help reconnect you with why you are investing energy and time into your goals in the first place.
Focus on one thing When you have too many goals or too many items on your to-do list, it can feel overwhelming. That can sap your motivation to do anything at all. Focusing on one thing each day helps keep you focused and motivated.
Change your routine Routines can get boring. When things get boring, motivation wanes. That is why it is hard to stick to the same meal plan week after week. It just gets old. Changing up your routine every month or so can help you maintain excitement about your goals. For example, changing the time of day you exercise or where you eat at lunch are easy ways to shift your momentum.
Monitor your progress Whether you use an app or a sheet of paper, tracking your progress can serve as visual motivation. Monitoring helps us transform actions into habits.
By Natasha Stephenson Belle, Manager, Resource Planning
The Resource Planning Department is very happy to announce the promotion of William Charles to Senior Resource Planning Analyst!
William brings to our team the knowledge and expertise of the various operational nuances within the contracts that ASP services. William has also developed relationships with our frontline and operation teams across our company, which has been very beneficial. William has perfected the art of adding his personal touch and developing relationships with everyone he works with daily.
William started with ASP in 2015 as a supervisor and was then promoted to Mobile Patrol Supervisor in 2017. Shortly thereafter, William moved to Resource Planning. Bringing his experience from the operations side of the house to Resource Planning, William was able to excel in scheduling by providing guards with extra information that could be useful for the shifts assigned. For example, providing the best way to access their post or sharing what was available in the area when going on breaks.
William was also a big part of launching the Calgary Security airport project. He took the lead for scheduling guards for this location and worked with the operations team to ensure InTime was updated. He also worked very closely with HR and Accounting to ensure that the process flow for Calgary was running smoothly. In William’s new position, he will be working more in the background to support our schedulers.
Updating leave requests for all division and balancing out scheduling hours for accounting to process payroll and billing are just a couple of his new duties. We are very excited for William and his new promotion, and happy to see that his hard work and dedication to ASP has paid off and wish him luck as he progresses with his career.
Please join me in congratulating William on his new promotion!!
By General Thomas James Lawson (Ret.), Strategic Advisor
For over a year now, I have been delighted to be a part of the ICTS/ASP team and I never cease to be amazed by the energy and dedication embodied by ASP, its leadership team and its employees.
ASP’s remarkable growth, especially recently, has nicely reflected how well the company is regarded across the nation. Therefore, like most of you, I had no idea that we would be spending the last month discussing how best to keep ASP alive and vital through coming months. But this is where the international crisis has placed ASP, alongside many Canadian businesses.
During my 40 years in the Canadian Armed Forces, I developed a strong belief in planning for the worst, and then working with reality. It was a philosophy that enabled the military to operate with the confidence that we were prepared to deal with whatever hit us. I will admit that the current situation is one for which even the military, let alone a company like ASP, could never have adequately prepared.
As I mentioned above, I have been very impressed with those things that make ASP stand out from the competition; the “magic sauce”, so to speak. I have watched the excellence of the members of the leadership team during strategic retreats and seen how they identify key challenges and opportunities, and then develop ways to address them. And through all their discussions, they have been careful to keep in mind their key asset: the ASP employee on the front line. They know that regardless of the quality of their planning, if it didn’t translate to a happy, professional and well-trained group at the “coal face”, ASP would not thrive. And it has thrived, and for good reasons.
Over the last month, this same philosophy has been evident throughout the daily discussions I have observed. Each meeting has begun with CEO Dean Lovric laying out the latest situation, and then asking for observations and critical points from each member of his executive and management team. The remarkable thing has been that, in clear response, no one has held back the truths that needed to be shared and grasped; of the fear among the most vulnerable front-liners, of the concern of those in quarantine, of the pain felt by those who faced layoffs, and of the required actions.
There is no doubt that tough decisions have had to be taken. These decisions have been critical to the survival of the company and, more importantly, to position ASP for a strong return to the marketplace once the opportunity arrives. And it will arrive. At that time, ASP will be looking to return to its former growth curve, and everyone who has been part of the company will again play a key part in its future.
I’ve come to know ASP pretty well in my time with the company, through business meetings, tours and company gatherings, and my sense is that it is doing so many things right, and this places ASP exactly where it needs to be during these toughest days of the COVID pandemic, and for the post-pandemic return to full business. I am honoured to be able to play a part in that.
By Paul Parkinson, Director of Finance
In the sending out of the 2019 T4s, ROEs and other communication by regular mail, we have many letters being returned due to the incorrect address we have on file. This may cause you to miss important documents being sent from the office.
Please review the mailing address on your pay stub. If it is incorrect, please send a note to Human Resources with your employee number (listed on your paystub) and your new mailing address and we’ll be sure to update our systems.
Congratulations to all our ASP teams on 20 years of Success!
In 1999, I was seeking an opportunity to expand on the success of a fledgling company called Airfield Access Inc. (AAI) at Toronto Pearson International Airport. After careful planning and assessing of risks, I developed the business plan that would thrust a new company into the security service industry. That company became known as ASP Security Services and was established April 13th, 2000.
Twenty years ago, our business focus was strictly aviation. There was a significant niche that was not being sufficiently addressed; through recognizing where the gaps were and addressing them, we could make a difference. The difference proved to be the way the industry approached its clients and, more importantly, its employees.
The barriers to entry were enormous. Multinational conglomerates were guarding the entranceways to success and we needed to manage the enormous risks involved in operating within our newly chosen ecosystem. We looked for security professionals from the security industry, but mostly, we built our team from the world of aviation while leveraging existing resources from our sister company, AAI.
Our newly minted team depended on the reputation and resources of our sister company for support. We hoped that an industry, which needed reinventing, would open its market to us. We bet on our belief that the establishment of a culture of integrity and respect with the willingness to be accountable and transparent would thrive with our potential client base.
Finally, after months of effort, our team’s hard work and dedication gave us the legs we needed to walk on our own. We did this by partnering with an incredible client base and a wonderful employee base, both of which we are still blessed to have.
Today we see and feel the unprecedented impact COVID-19 is having on our society.
Inside This Issue
HQ News
Employee Spotlight
Residential and Commercial News
Aviation News
Canine Corner/On the Lighter Side
ASP was engaged and supportive during the most critical of times throughout the past 20 years, helping our clients get through the most catastrophic of conditions, such as the tragedy of 9/11, SARS, the Air France Flight 358 end-of-runway crash at Toronto Pearson International Airport and the stock market crash of 2008. ASP is still here and standing strong for our clients and our employees.
We have supported and raised tens of thousands of dollars for charities and charity drives such as Toronto Pearson’s Runway Run, where right from inception of the run we shared the top donor spot with Air Canada. Other charities include the Hospital for Sick Children, Shelter Canada and ROCK (Reach Out Center for Kids), to name a few.
We won Best Large Service Business Awards with both the Etobicoke Chamber of Commerce in 2007 and again with Burlington Chamber of Commerce in 2019. Sharing the finalist podium with organizations such as Hamilton International Airport was a true honour.
We’ve done all this with the endless dedication of our front-line workers, people who we have grown to love and respect; the people whom I would personally like to thank for this success, for without which none of this would be possible. Thank you.
We’ve achieved all this with a sophisticated client base that have been supportive understanding partners, as our vision proves supportive to theirs. I personally, and on behalf of all of us would like to thank them for their patronage.
For making the lives of so many easier, for protecting us through the most critical times in our nation’s history and for demonstrating honesty respect and courage, I thank all our employees, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and congratulations on 20 years.
Today, we are more than 2000 strong across Canada, we are part of the ICTS Europe family, and, combined, we have a global reach that includes 22 countries and 17,000 security professionals.
I can safely say that 20 years later, we not only walk on our own… we walk together.
Dear ASP family,
We made a commitment to communicate and advise you of the most up to date information as it becomes available. We shared information with you about the Canadian Emergency Relief Benefit (CERB) the taxable benefit covers people who not working because of disruptions due to COVID-19. It is important to note that the CERB is approved for 4 weeks at a time which means that a recipient must reapply at the end of the period. More information about the CERB can be found by following the link provided above.
We’re proud of our employees and our communities who continue to support each other. Things can sometimes change quickly and we are committed to communicating with you as effectively as we can. Please reach out to your supervisors or the human resources team at and let us know how we can support you or if you have any questions.
ASP Management Team
ASP Security Services President and CEO Addresses Organization
COVID-19 Update to our Employees
ASP Security Services Employee Appreciation Video
4 November 2019
ACTS, ICTS Europe’s subsidiary in the USA, is delighted to expand its provision of services to TAP Air Portugal.
ACTS has been providing security services to TAP Air Portugal since 2011, at Miami, Boston, New York’s Newark and JFK Airports. This autumn, the contract was extended to include three new locations: Chicago, Dulles and San Francisco airports.
ACTS’ experienced teams are responsible for various security services in compliance with the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) regulations, as well as any airline-specific requirements. The ACTS teams undergo specialist training and update their skills on a regular basis to ensure services maintain high standards.
With this new expansion, ACTS is continuing its growth as a provider of security and customer service solutions to the US aviation market.
By Angus Wilson, Director, Aviation Services
ASP is actively involved in all aspects of the operations at the sites in which we operate. We strongly believe that the readiness for emergency events comes through constant training.
This September, The Greater Sudbury Airport Authority held a full-scale emergency exercise that ASP participated in to ensure the readiness of our team, should it be required in an event such as this one.
ASP Security Supervisor Michelle Rieux controlling access to the crash site at Gate 29.
The exercise consisted of a simulated plane crash on the YSB grounds involving a passenger aircraft and a small private plane. It involved all relevant emergency responders from Greater Sudbury Police, EMS, Fire and all “hands on deck” for the YSB Emergency Teams.
The exercise was a great success and assisted us in further developing protocols and internal training that will improve the service and emergency readiness that is delivered at YSB and all other aerodromes in which we operate.
By Debbie Ciccotelli, Director, Strategic Initiative and Acting Manager, Human Resources
It’s the most wonderful time of the year – everywhere except at the airport. For most of us, the holiday season is a time of rejoicing and spending time with family and friends; however, it’s getting there that is often the most significant hassle.
To get to their holiday celebration, many people must endure the stress of holiday travel. With record high volumes expected at airports over the holiday travel season, combined with potentially bad weather, flight delays, long queues and wait times, as well as an increase in inexperienced travellers, our aviation employees must be prepared and committed to delivering exceptional customer service during this peak holiday season.
Today’s passengers have higher expectations for quality and service and Airport Authorities are committed to providing best-in-class passenger experiences. ASP employees (both Security and Customer Service) are Airport Ambassadors – we are in the business to serve and protect – it is what we do! Our staff will be dealing with higher volumes of passengers and greater pressure during the holiday season and our goal is to make each passenger’s journey more relaxed and less stressful by going the extra mile, wherever possible.
As Airport Ambassadors, we need to exhibit a positive, feel good energy that is consistent with the mood and theme of the holiday season and to understand and empathize with the stress and anxiety that passengers are experiencing.
We can do this by:
Greeting everyone with a warm welcome and a smile.
Maintaining a positive and cheerful attitude.
Listening and understanding passenger questions/concerns.
Being empathetic, patient and considerate.
Directing, assisting and supporting passengers in a professional, friendly and competent manner.
Not taking passenger frustration personally – look at it as an opportunity to turn their day around.
So, get into the holiday spirit, keep a smile on your face and possess a servant’s heart.