Over the past few months, the Residential/Commercial division has been working diligently towards the start-up of our new contract.
This new contract is with the City of Toronto and we are proud to be chosen as one of two companies that supply the school crossing guard services throughout the City of Toronto.
This new contract encompasses about 310 crosswalks through the city within two zones. It includes a state-of-the-art technology, as well as a unique app that is proprietary to ASP
We have officially rolled out this new contract and I am very proud of all the work the team put into this service to minimize the issues and bumps as we started up on September 3, 2019.
This new service allows ASP to continue to show the market why we are an industry leader and allows us to continue building niche verticals that provide a customized service to our clients.
This contract brings with it about 350 new employees. This contract was awarded to us due to our reputation and hard work that our field staff have done over the last several years at our sites. This is a testament of how important it is to always maintain a professional image and attitude.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone that was a part of this contract, as it was a full team effort to make sure this was a success. I wanted to send a special thanks to Sean Gallagher for all of his efforts and support from the corporate office. Sean was a big part of the transition and he went above and beyond to make sure we had support when it was needed.
I wanted to send a special thanks to my whole RES/CIC team. Majority of the time, the Senior Manager of a division gets all the credit when a contract like this rolls out, but I personally know that this project was a success because of the hard work, dedication and passion you all had to make sure this was done well. You are all a special team and you know how to make sure stressful times are still enjoyable times. Because of each one of you, we have grown quickly and successfully. Each of you should take a long hard look in the mirror and truly be proud of what you have all done within this team, because without each of you we are not as strong as we are.
Thank you to every team member on my team; you have all built a concrete foundation for our team to
stand on. The future is bright, let’s continue embracing it.