By Cliff Sampogna, Regional Manager

Within the security industry, there is always room for growth and new opportunities with new business and sites.

I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate the ASP family for the growth within the Residential and Commercial division again.

Sample ASP School Crossing Guard Equipment

In June, we were advised that we were awarded a new contract with the City of Toronto. This contract was awarded for two of the four School
Crossing Guard zones. This contract brings with it about 320-340 new employees. This was a big win for us, as we can showcase our high level of service in a specialized area that we would like to grow in. We will be starting this contract on September 3, 2019.

This contract was awarded to us due to our reputation and hard work that our field staff have done over the last several years at our sites. This is a testament of how important it is to always maintain a professional image and attitude.

This contract has provided us with another unique vertical market, as we will be providing crossing guard services at the client’s school cross walks in the North and West parts of GTA.

I wanted to welcome all the incumbent and new staff as we transition this contract and bring a large amount of intellectual capital on board through the highly experienced crossing guards. The team’s support and willingness to help has been a big part of the successes we are currently having early in this contract and transition. We have several projects in the works and I am looking forward to the continued growth within our ASP family and

They protect us from threats at public events, airports, government agencies and they're man's best friend. Let's pay homage to the K9 who sniffs for safety.


Sniffing for Safety: K9 Fast Facts and Statistics

Here’s a fun fact about k9 security dogs: Babylonians, Greeks, and Assyrians were the first to have guard dogs. In their ancient cultures, guard dogs were used to protect treasures and tombs. Similarly, k9 security is used in the modern day to protect us from so much.

Security services using canines for protection know that these dogs are very extraordinary. They can detect drugs, explosives and have a lot of interesting things about them. Learn more about k9 security and how much of a service these beautiful creatures are!

K9 Are Scent Detectives

Primarily known as detection dogs, a k9 is trained to pick up on targeted scents and raise the alarm if they do. Those scents can be from a vast selection of things from drugs to firearms. And thanks to a k9 security’s keen sense of smell, they can detect these scents almost immediately.

Some of the main scents k9’s are trained to identify include:

  • Drugs
  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • Cash
  • Criminal evidence
  • Miscellaneous contraband
  • Nothing Gets By Their Noses

Aside from detecting and alerting others about smells, k9 security dogs are able to point out scents that are being masked by odors. Dogs can smell in layers and use this to their advantage when trained to be a k9. They are taught to discern between an organic scent and a scent that is either hidden, buried, or otherwise masked.

They are also capable of telling the difference between multiple smells or multiple ingredients. Their nose will pick up on even the faintest chemical and can call it out immediately. This makes them the most thorough for sniffing out targeted scents in large arenas or busy locations.

They Make The Best Security

You would be surprised at how amazing a dog’s nose really is. Their sense of smell is far sharper than other animals or even humans. Their superior scent detection means they can also search areas much faster than humans too.

Their accuracy makes them very effective bomb detectors. Tons of research goes into the development of multiple security methods, including security companies in Toronto. But nothing has proven more effective than k9 security services.

Their Breeds Are Made For The Job

Plenty of breeds are perfect for the role of a k9. A few include Labradors and Spaniels but the official breed for k9 security are German Shepards. They were the first breed police officers used in World War 1, World War 2 and the Vietnam War.

This is likely due to their undeniable intelligence and ability to be trained to obey commands. German Shepards are notorious for their incredible work ethic. They are also known to display the following qualities:

Sociability — K9’s are sociable enough to be handled by people with ease. But they should not be so sociable that it distracts them from tasks. The presence of people should not throw them off.

Environmental Stability — K9’s won’t nervousness or hesitation around loud or strange noises. They show physical rigor regardless of working in very hot or very cold environments. They are also bold and capable of walking or climbing onto strange surfaces.

Desire to Earn Rewards — K9’s are driven to earn a reward for all of their hard work. They have to want that reward more than anything else. Food is not usually used as a reward since it is hard for handlers to carry and having too much food could confuse the dog.

Hunting Ability — K9’s have an intense drive and are motivated to continue hunting regardless if they find something. They must be trained not to show frustration or give any false alerts.

More Than Just Security Dogs

Nowadays, k9 dogs are specifically trained to become more than security. Given their incredible ability to not be distracted during searches, they make amazing seeing dogs. Using their keen sense of smell, they can alert their owners of what’s ahead of them.

K9 security dogs, however, provide a unique sense of security by simply being there. People, criminals included, can normally sense what k9s are capable too. Making it easier for k9 security to focus on any job that is in front of them.

A k9 has a different process to identify people, however, still relying on their sense of smell. They start by using their nose to test their surroundings. Then they move on to voice recognition and then to people’s silhouettes.

A k9 security dog can even tell the difference between identical twins. The go along the same process of identifying who is who and can always sniff out the difference.

You Can Trust K9 Security

Some of the best security guard companies in Toronto house and train the best k9 dogs around. They focus on matching dogs with the right handlers based on personality and lifestyle traits. These dogs are trained for six to eight weeks for initial training and certification.

Once deployed, k9 security can finally begin. The k9 dogs are trained throughout their careers on a regular basis with their handlers. They are also tested from time to time to maintain their certifications.

Good k9 security is driven by protecting others from harm. You can find out more about detection dogs or canine patrol services and have any of your questions answered by a professional security company. To have a deeper understanding of the training process for k9 dogs or how to secure your surroundings through their services, check out our website today!

Written by Cliff Sampogna

Within the security industry, there is always room for growth and new opportunities with new business and sites.

I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate the ASP family for the growth within the Residential and Commercial division again.

In June, we were advised that we were awarded a new contract with the City of Toronto. This contract was awarded for two of the four Crossing Guard zones within the city of Toronto. This contract brings with it about 320-340 new employees. This was a big win for us as we can showcase our high level of service in a specialized area that we would like to grow in. We will be starting this contract on September 3, 2019.

This contract was awarded to us due to our reputation and hard work that our field staff have done over the last several years at our sites. This is a testament of how important it is to always maintain a professional image and attitude.

This contract has provided us with another unique vertical market as we will be providing security at the client’s cross walks in the North and West parts of GTA.

I wanted to welcome all the incumbent and new staff as we transition this contract and bring a large amount of intellectual capital on board through the highly experienced crossing guards. The teams support and willingness to help has been a big part of the successes we are currently having had early in this contract and transition.

We have several projects in the works and I am looking forward to the continued growth within our ASP family and to see where we can take this in the future.

Having a commercial security service means keeping your property safer and keeping your customers safer. There are certain tactics that are specifically used

What if your most valuable investment was at risk every night?

Wondering how such a service can meet your needs? Here are a few of the key tactics they will use to keep your property safe!

Controlled Access

Your business properties may be in danger of theft, property damage, and other calamities. And the only way to be sure your property is safe is to use a commercial security service.

Wondering what commercial security can do for your property? To start with, they will limit access to only authorized individuals.

This may include things like password-based electronic systems or fancier solutions such as biometrics. The end result is that no unauthorized personnel will be able to gain access to your property.

Even if you already have access control, a commercial security team may be able to identify its weak points and recommend a more robust solution. After all, relying on outdated access control means you are inviting thieves inside your property.

Improved Lighting

Speaking of thieves, they usually like to keep things simple. That means sticking to the shadows, which is why most corporate robberies happen during the evening.

One of the simpler security tactics the team may use is to improve lighting inside and outside the building. The ultimate goal is simple: you want to make it hard for anyone to skulk around in the darkness and plan their next move.

And as simple as it sounds, keep in mind that good lighting serves as a major deterrent to would-be thieves. If they have an option between your well-lit property and another, they are more likely to go after the other guy!

Better Signage

Along with better lighting, a good security service can help you to improve your signage. This can reduce theft and even lead to a workspace that is much safer.

For example, signs may warn people about your surveillance measures and other active security measures. By making everyone aware of how seriously you take security, you minimize the chances of anyone trying something.

Signage can also clearly indicate which areas are off-limits to non-employees. This may keep people from getting lost or even getting hurt in a way that might open you up to legal action.

At the Gates

Earlier, we talked about the benefits of access control. One of the best ways to enhance that control is to add security gates to a property.

The idea is to have gates (ideally multiple gates) manned by security personnel. And anyone who wants access to your buildings must pass through inspection first.

This alone is a very powerful deterrent, which is why it is used on military bases around the world. And it also means that you will have trained personnel inspecting every vehicle and person coming through, increasing the odds that anything dangerous will be discovered and confiscated.

Hide the Valuables

Pop quiz: what are the most valuable things in your office?

Many of us take the security of our workspace for granted. And that means we end up leaving valuable items out where anyone could easily take them.

A good commercial security team can help to identify valuable property and information and store it in a safe and accessible way. They specialize in “defensive thinking”: make it hard for someone to get in and even harder for them to find something.

Unless you have security training, then your properties are going to be vulnerable. But you can hire experts who can make everything much safer.

Mobile Surveillance

Surveillance has come a long way in the last couple of decades. Once, you would have to review grainy VHS tapes in the morning to see if there was an incident. Now, you can view an active feed on your smartphone with just the press of a button.

Unfortunately, there are many different mobile surveillance options available. These range from ultra-secure to devices you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.

A commercial security service can help you obtain the best surveillance technology and applications. Furthermore, they can link everything up to your phone so that you have security control no matter where you go!

Card Access

Earlier, we talked about the importance of access control. In addition to things like biometrics, the security team can help to install specialized card readers in the most sensitive areas of your building.

This helps create a kind of security redundancy: a thief who can make it past one layer of security may be tripped up when they encounter the next layer.

And card readers are good because you can severely limit who gets access cards. If anything is stolen from those areas, you have an immediate short list of potential thieves!

Motion Sensors

As you may or may not know, most modern security systems link together. So, on top of the other measures, a security service can link everything to motion sensors.

Exterior lighting, for instance, may blaze on when the system detects motions. This gives the impression that someone is actively monitoring the area, creating a further deterrent.

Furthermore, you can receive smartphone alerts when motion is detected in certain areas. This lets you take a more active role in the security and defense of your property.

Improved Data Security

So far, we have focused primarily on physical security. This includes building access, valuable property, and so on.

However, the most valuable thing inside most businesses is the data you have collected and compiled. And if you’re not careful, this is also the most vulnerable part of the office.

Modern commercial security teams are skilled in all aspects of data security. They can help to reinforce your existing measures while also installing better safeguards where needed.

The final result is a property that is safe, both inside and out!

Commercial Security Service: The Bottom Line

Now you know what a commercial security service can do for you. But do you know who you can turn to for the best service?

At ASP Security Services, we protect residential and commercial properties of any size. To see how we can make your investments safer, reach out and contact us today!

Bristol Airport has re-appointed ICTS UK & Ireland as its Security partner, responsible for the provision of security services at the Airport.

“We are absolutely delighted to continue our long-standing partnership with Bristol Airport. We have supported the Airport through its business growth and significant expansion during the last few years and celebrate their 2018 record passenger numbers which reached over 8.6 million.

ICTS is fully committed to delivering the very best service to Bristol Airport and its passengers.

We are excited and look forward to this next phase and to being a part of the Airport’s plans to develop the region’s international gateway” said Levent Ural, Director of Operations – Aviation Security Services, ICTS UK & Ireland.

“We are pleased ICTS has been successful in securing the contract for security services at Bristol Airport, continuing the long-standing business partner relationship. It is important to select a business partner that is able to provide the commitment, flexibility and diversity of services an airport requires and ICTS has both the capability and breadth of experience needed to meet this requirement, and we look forward to continuing to develop our relationship with them.” Graeme Gamble, Chief Operating Officer, Bristol Airport

Bristol Airport is one of the 11 Airports in the UK and Ireland at which ICTS provides security services. ICTS is extremely proud of its long-serving partnership with Bristol Airport, which dates back to 2007.

By Mark Burnett, Explosive Detection Canine Trainer

ASP Canine welcomes two of its newest members to the team, Katrina Stachurski and Simon Hathaway.

Katrina and Simon have begun their training with two experienced detector dogs Cody, a three-year-old Czech Shepherd, and Edge, a three-year-old Labrador.

Simon Hathaway and Katrina Stachurski with canine partners Edge and Cody.

Both Katrina and Simon come into the unit with experience in the security field, Katrina coming from Paladin Security and Simon an ASP Specialist at Pearson Airport.

Basic training will continue for the teams for another five weeks, and upon successful testing, they will be deployed operationally on the Commercial K9 team, providing EDD services to the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors, and other commercial clients.

ASP is fortunate to have the addition of Katrina and Simon to our Canine Unit and we wish them good luck as they begin their canine careers.

By Rob Desjardins, General Manager

After several months of extensive searching through countless resumes and several interviews, I am happy to announce that the YYC ASP Team is now complete.

In a few weeks, the new members of the Team will be fully trained and ready to participate and add their expertise to the existing group. A stable foundation has been laid out and the Team needs to be proactive and innovative to be successful.

Tamara Jupiter, Scheduler
Elizabeth Warwick, Quality Assurance Manager

By Angus Wilson, Director of Aviation Services

As an ISO certified company, ASP is consistently looking for new ways to improve process with integrated technologies.

With front-line teams in five major Canadian airports, we are collecting enormous amounts of valuable data. This data can not only be used to drive better business for us, but for our clients as well.

We are currently conducting data mapping processes that will allow is to connect data from all ASP’s lines of business. Early in Q3, we plan to work with select clients to develop customized dash boards that illustrate everything, from our front-line team performance to passenger satisfaction and other customized data sets to help improve the way we all serve our customers and the travelling public. We are also looking at technology that will allow us to improve on the security services that we provide through Bluetooth Beacons and other location tracking systems.

Our computer-based training system (CBT) continues to evolve and offers the best in up-to-date, real-time on the job training (OJT) to our front-line teams. This maximizes the time on the floor for our teams and ensures that all employees have the most up-to-date information and training. As technology advances and the customer facing landscape evolves, ASP will continue to be on the forefront of the technology trends and innovations.

By David Ramlagan, Training Coordinator, Aviation Security

For Access Control and Escort/Surveillance Guards who are interested in applying to different security roles within Toronto Pearson, below is a brief summary of the contracted security services that ASP provides. Please check our website in the current or internal opportunities sections.

Catering Security:

Gate Gourmet is the facility that prepares the in-flight meals for passengers on various airlines. The Gatehouse Guard at this site is responsible for ensuring authorized vehicles enter the compound. The Patroller looks out for signs of theft and suspicious activity. The front-desk receptionist assists our client with administrative tasks and ensures that authorized individuals enter the food processing area.

Airline Security:

Airlines such as Emirates and British Airways use ASP’s services during the time between an aircraft’s arrival and departure. Guards are positioned on the boarding bridge to verify individuals going into the aircraft such as catering, cleaning and airline personnel. They may also be positioned on the airside for aircraft surveillance, or in the bag room to ensure luggage is not tampered with.

Door Patrol:

These employees are mainly responsible for ensuring the PSL doors are locked and secure by conducting regular patrols in specific areas. When a door alarm is activated, Door Patrollers must respond, investigate, and secure the door.

Vehicle Patrol:

Responsible for parking lot patrols by observing for signs of theft, vandalism or any suspicious activity. They ensure that the integrity of the PSL barriers around the airside is maintained by checking for any openings or debris along the fences. They also provide transportation assistance for GTAA personnel to deliver various supplies.


Our supervisor team is vital to carrying out the delivery of security services to our clients, by ensuring that the security personnel are aware of the on-site procedures and are complying with company and legislative policies. They provide direct support to the security guards, assist with scheduling and coordinate with GTAA clients to accomplish various tasks.


This security group is recognizable within the terminal by their grey shirts and tactical vests. Their main responsibility is to identify and determine the root cause of anyone displaying suspicious behaviour and respond accordingly. They also monitor restricted areas to identify employees who are not in their designated workspace.

Canine Explosive Detection (K9):

The members of this security team are accompanied with trained dogs that are able to detect various forms of explosive material. They are called on to respond to unattended items and to conduct sweeps of high-risk airport areas.