By Garinder Grewal, Service Delivery Manager
ASP Supervisor Hazel Jocson was recognized by GTAA for a Toronto Pearson Safety and Security Tier 3 Eye on Safety (EOS) Award -“Unsung Hero” for coming to the aid of 79-year-old female who fell down an escalator at the Infield Concourse.
Hazel quickly stopped the escalators and provided support to her until paramedics arrived, which took some time. The wound was large and bleeding profusely, so Hazel applied pressure and kept the injured female calm throughout. Hazel remained with the injured female until the fire department arrived, even assisting to lift her onto the stretcher.
Hazel previously assisted another injured passenger who fell in a similar incident. In response to this second incident, she followed up with a report of this hazard and explained that wheelchairs must be made readily available for passengers who require mobility assistance at the Infield Concourse (IFC).

The GTAA and ASP extends their appreciation to Hazel for her outstanding contribution to safety and security and for going above and beyond her day- to-day duties to ensure Toronto Pearson is a safe place to be.