Debbie Ciccotelli, Director, Strategic Innovation

We are both delighted and proud to announce that ASP was awarded the contract for the provision of Security & Customer Services at the Greater Sudbury Airport (YSB).

We commenced our service contract at the Greater Sudbury Airport (YSB) at 12 noon on November 1, 2018. 

ASP Security Guard at Customer Service Kiosk

The Greater Sudbury Airport is one ofNorthern Ontario’s busiest and is currently served by four scheduled air carriers, AirCanada, Porter Airlines, WestJet and Bearskin Airlines, and also receives seasonal service to holiday sunshine destinations by Sunwing Airlines. In addition, YSB provides services to various commercial and general aviation operations.

Our Sudbury team is responsible for all aspects of security and customer service within the Terminal, Airside and Grounds ideas well for the operation of the Pass Office and AVOP testing programs. Our commitment to the Airport Authority is to provide high quality and reliable security and customer service to the client and the passengers in which they service. We commenced this contract with a combination of transitioning incumbent employees and new hires. We are extremely proud of the professionalism, commitment and dedication demonstrated by this new team.

I would like to congratulate and thank the YSB Mobilization Team who worked very hard to transition this service within record time.

The success of our November 1st start-up could not have occurred without the dedication and support of the mobilization team consisting of John Gangasingh (Operations Manager), Sean Gallagher (Recruitment), David Ramlagan (Training) and the two YSB SiteSupervisors, Michelle Rieux and Tyler Hildebrandt.

Please join me in welcoming our new YSB employees into the ASP family.

By Paul Parkinson. Director, Finance.

Employees, as we wind down 2018 and look forward to 2019, we remind you that if you
reached the maximum contribution for the EI and CPP deductions, they will appear again in the first payroll runs of 2019.

Make sure to plan for this slight drop in the net pay.

The team would like to express our extreme gratitude to all employees for your patience as we moved to the new payroll system in May and ironed out the initial issues following the deployment.

If you have suggestions about the paystub, please send us an email and we’ll take them into consideration.

There will be one more change to the scheduling system. We will be moving to a pay period that starts on a Sunday at 00:00 and ends on a Saturday at 23:59.

Previously, if you started the shift on the Saturday night

and it ended on the Sunday, you would be paid for the whole shift on the pay
period. Moving forward, that shift will be split at midnight between theSaturday and Sunday and the hours worked will be paid in the pay period that they were worked. For example, if you started Saturday at 22:00 and worked until Sunday at 08:00, you will now have 2 hours (22:00-24:00) in the one pay period and 8 hours (00:00-08:00) in the next.

We’re doing this to streamline the processing of payroll and reduce errors that occur on statutory days.

In closing, thank you for all the hard work and efforts put in by all employees to make ASP the success that we are today.

Enjoy the holidays!

OSR Agent Zhenzhen Gu creates word puzzles as a family past-time with her son and daughter.

The Gu family has even created programs to write the some of the complex puzzles, including cryptograms and crossword puzzles.

Zhenzhen asked us if we would be interested in featuring her family’s puzzles in our monthly internal OSR News Letter. ASP ran the family’s puzzles for three months.

We experienced such great feedback from our team that we  decided to work with Zhenzhen to create an ASP Puzzle Book for the travelling public. These free-of-charge Kids Puzzle Books will feature colouring pages and puzzles themed to Canada and World Travelling.

Up for the challenge? Give one of Zhenzhens’ crosswords a try!

Crossword: Canada’s
Provinces and Territories

  1. Picture Province (two words)
  2. Beautiful (two words)
  3. Canada’s Ocean Playground (two words)
  4. Je me souviens
  5. Home of “Anne of Green Gables” (three
  6. Land of the Midnight Sun
  7. Wild Rose Country
  8. Canada’s Arctic (two words)
  9. Canada’s Happy Province (three words)
  10. Friendly
  11. Land of Living Skies
  12. Where polar bears, inuksuks, Northern
    Lights and stars are
  13. Yours to Discover

By Mark Burnett, Trainer, Canine Unit

In early September, members of the ASP K9 Unit from the Pearson Airport and Commercial teams coordinated with other K9 units.

K9 units from ASP, the RCMP, Ottawa and Montreal airports assisted officials from Transport Canada in the development of federal canine regulations for the screening of air cargo.

The new regulations will dramatically change the cargo shipping landscape in Canada by approving the use of explosives detection canines for the purpose of security screening in the supply chain for all cargo shippers.

The new Transport Canada regulations will give ASP K9 the unique opportunity to provide the services of our K9 detection program to cargo shippers and freight forwarders to supplement their existing screening processes. ASP K9 was fortunate to have been invited to Ottawa to assist with these working trials and be involved in the creation of a canine standard that will become Federal Law by the end of 2019.

Pictured here, TPIA handler Isaiah Bharath takes instruction from a Transport Canada chemist regarding a search exercise, while his canine partner Josh gets ready. 

By Mike Moledzski, Service Delivery Manager, CIC/RES Division

On August 1st 2018, The Bay Adelaide Centre, a Brookfield property, became ASP’s newest commercial client.

These buildings are in the heart of the downtown Torontos finical district. The West Tower being 51 floors and the the East Tower being 44 floors, these building are home to many high level financial clients. With construction starting soon on the North Tower, this team is set to grow even more. We welcome you all to the ASP family!

In the short time you have all worked for ASP, you all have shown great determination, teamwork and reliability working at the Bay Adelaide Centre. We look forward many more years working with each other.

On August 24th, 2018 the Bay Adelaide Centre guarding staff was given the opportunity to attend a Go Kart event provided by the Brookfield company. This was  a fantastic day, shared by all employees that attended. 

With competition at such a high level, everyone was racing to be the best. In the end, everyone left with big smiles on their faces and returned to the Bay Adelaide Centre for a great satisfiying dinner. We look forward to the next event!

By Garinder Grewal, Service Delivery Manager, Aviation

On Saturday, September 22, 2018 Toronto Pearson hosted its 11th annual Runway Run.

Each year, Toronto Pearson International Airport opens one of its active runways to the public for a fun, unique 5 km run or 2 km walk.

This year, around 2,500 individuals participated in the runway run and more than 30,000 people have participated in the event since it began. Participants got a one-of-a kind look at the airport, where they met the people and animals who work at Toronto Pearson.

This year, around 2,500 individuals participated in the runway run and more than 30,000 people have participated in the event since it began. Participants got a one-of-a kind look at the airport, where they met the people and animals who work at Toronto Pearson.

This year’s event included:

 Falcon Environmental and the birds

 GTAA Firefighters

 Peel Regional Police

 ASP Canine Handler & Canine

In addition, this year, participants were able to get up close to aircraft displayed by Air Canada and NAV Canada. The public was also able to tour inside the FedEx cargo plane.

As proud sponsors of the event, ASP and Airfield Access Inc. once again donated their services to help set up and facilitate it.

Prior to the event, ASP and Airfield Access Inc. provided the following:

1 guard at AESC from Sept 18th to Sept 21st
for race kit pick-ups.

Total of 7 DA drivers with vehicles
between Sept 19th and 21st to escort the
vendors to the site for setup.

On the day of the event, 11 Access Control
guards and 12 D/DA drivers to move the
Primary Security Line (PSL).

ASP Control Access Guards at Entrance to AMF

Thanks to all the ASP employees who were involved in this year’s event! Special Thanks to ASP Supervisor Osmond Coutinho, who oversaw the operation and ensure everything went as planned.

Osmond Coutinho with Runway Run Dance Team

See you next year!

By Sean Gallagher, Recruitment

It is with great passion and respect that I announce that we are doing security and customer service hiring in five different airports in two different provinces.

The company is growing at a rapid pace, which means we need more ASP-caliber employees and referrals have always proved to be a successful model for our company.

We are looking for all types of personalities and experienced security and customer service representatives. If you know anyone interested, even with very little experience that can meet our expectations, please feel free to pass on our recruitment e-mails.

ASP will also be looking for leaders in all areas of its supervision, specialist positions, management or HR. It’s a great time to be working for ASP and I am proud to be a part of the front line of hiring.

Please have your referrals e-mail the appropriate recruiter for the positions they are interested in.

Contact Susana Borosic ( for Pearson Airport Access Control, Supervisors and Specialists.

Contact Sean Gallagher ( for Ottawa Airport, Calgary Airport, Sudbury Airport and for customer service rep positions.

Looking forward to what growth 2019 brings us!

By Sean Gallagher, Recruitment

By David Ramlagan, Interim Training Coordinator, Calgary International Airport

As the interim Training Coordinator for the new contract at Calgary International Airport (YYC), I was not sure what challenges lay ahead of me. 

I was both anxious and excited at the same time. From the moment I stepped off the plane, I was greeted with warm, genuine smiles from employees with various companies at the airport. I was pleasantly surprised by traffic enforcement personnel who asked me if I needed any help with me having to approach them. Some employees wear cowboy hats as part of their uniform which was a great way to showcase the Calgarian culture.

If someone leaves their car on the curbside for too long, an automated announcement is made, asking for the driver to return to his/her vehicle.

YYC is a pet-friendly airport where dogs do not have to be caged in the terminal. There are also volunteers who take dogs around the boarding gates for the passengers to pet for stress reduction. I realized that CalgaryAirport has something very special in terms of hospitality.

The security employees that I trained were very accommodating and acted no differently from the general hospitable culture at the airport. I felt welcome and not like an
outsider when interacting with the transitioning security staff.

Best of all, I know they are in good hands with the ASP Management team in Calgary. 

Andie Thompson in administration is always pleasant, approachable and shows a genuine care for the best interest of employees. Zac Veness in Training is a walking wealth of knowledge and has earned the respect of our YYC clients. Ray Labelle is the Calgary Operations Manager for ASP and we could not have found a better person to deliver the ASP vision to the Calgary Airport Authority.

I am proud to welcome the Calgary security staff members to the ASP family. I have met each one and I am confident they will strengthen our image and reputation.

Operations, Calgary International Airport

With much anticipated fanfare and excitement, we at ASP commenced our newest contract at Calgary International Airport (YYC) on September 30, 2018.

ASP and YYC management attended the morning and evening briefings and welcomed all employees. If Day 1 was any indication of the success that we are expecting, we are in very good shape. Staff were excited to commence their employment with ASP and several noted that they were looking forward to the change.

The ASP team prepares for a busy day at YYC.

ASP welcomed approximately 120 employees into the fold and is looking forward to a long-lasting working relationship. Many of our partners and stakeholders commented about the professional-looking uniform and the fresh start.

Welcome to the ASP family!