As we move into fall there has been a lot of activity within the Aviation Division over the last 3 months which are worth highlighting.
Pearson Airport Security
The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) has implemented a mandatory vaccine policy effective September 14, 2021 that requires all employers and organizations operating at GTAA to ensure that their employees achieve mandatory vaccination by October 31, 2021 by receiving the required Covid 19 vaccine approved by Government of Canada.
As we begin business resumption with GTAA we have had multiple conversations with regards to posts reopening as we work together to recover from Covid.
Mask enforcement still remains a priority for GTAA and additional Mask Enforcement locations have been identified.
As of October 1st, 2021 airport staff will be relocated to the Value Park Garage from the terminal parking garages.
I’d like to introduce Sherry Akbar as our new Training Coordinator for the TPIA security department. Sherry brings a training background in Adult Education with experience as a Lead Facilitator for the Region of Peel. She also brings many years of experience in aviation screening security with extensive knowledge of Transport Canada regulations. Her expertise with in-class and individual training will be a great addition to our training team at Toronto Pearson Airport. Sherry will be working with Nataliya Boychuk to deliver the Access Control New Certification and Recertification courses along with Basic Training and any pre-deployment cross-training sessions.
“Please join me in welcoming Sherry Akbar to the team!”
SHERRY AKBAR – Training Coordinator
Calgary Airport Security
Calgary Airport Authority is expecting to reopen certain locations in their terminal due to increased passenger volumes, this could potentially lead to some of our previous posts reopening.
We are currently in negotiations for extending the Security Contract with YYC.
We are working with YYC in the adaption of the Supervisor duties to create separate Airside and Terminal Supervisors.
Our Client Sherry Beard has moved on from YYC and has joined MLSE in Toronto, we would like to wish her every success in her future endeavours.
Sudbury Airport Security
ASP has negotiated an extension on the Contract with YSB.
With the increase in passenger volumes our staffing numbers have increased and we have created a better working schedule for our employees.
By Sarah Jessop, Secretary for the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (She/Her)
I n June 2021, ASP’s Diversity and Inclusion committee ran our first ever Pride Month roundtable. This event was organized to celebrate ASP’s LGBTQ2S+ employees and their allies, and to address and understand the various issues LGBTQ2S+ individuals face in the workplace. I had the pleasure of co-chairing this roundtable with two remarkably special guests, Christine and Tanner Parkinson. Tanner, like me, identifies as an LGBTQ2S+ individual, and his mother Christine has publicly come forward as an advocate for our community. When I say they publicly demonstrate their commitment I truly mean it – Christine and Tanner were both interviewed by CTV News and CHCH in May 2021 after their Pride flag was stolen from their front lawn.
We kicked off the roundtable by discussing how acts of discrimination and harassment, both inside and outside of the workplace, have personally impacted many of us. Our attendees demonstrated bravery and vulnerability by sharing their own experiences with the group. This discussion led to some fantastic brainstorming and key takeaways that our Diversity and Inclusion committee will consider when designing inclusion initiatives.
LGTBTQS+ Pronouns & Terminology
One important topic of conversation that was raised during the roundtable was the importance of understanding and respecting LGBTQ2S+ pronouns and terminology. It’s important to note that these definitions are continuously changing, and they simply serve as a starting point in understanding LGBTQ2S+ identities and issues. If you ever have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our diversity and inclusion committee for more information:
Pronouns are used in place of a proper noun, and we often use them when we are referring to someone without using their name. In English, the most common pronouns we use refer to one’s gender. For non-binary, transgender, gender non-conforming and queer people, these pronouns may not fit, and mistaking or assuming someone’s pronouns without asking first can be harmful.
Imagine if someone referred to you with the wrong pronoun – this would be upsetting, especially if you’ve corrected them already before.
You should never assume you know someone’s gender just by looking at them, and you should always respect the pronouns they select. Some of the most commonly used pronouns include, but are not limited to:
Name – some people prefer their name being used in
place of pronouns.
The below terms are defined by the Government of Canada, and they provide a basic understanding of LGBTQ2S+ terminology. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and these terms could change in the future.
An inclusive term most commonly used in Canada. It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Two-Spirit and additional sexual orientations and gender identities.
A person who identifies with the gender they are assigned at birth.
A person who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to people of their same sex or gender identity. Traditionally this identity was reserved for men, but it has been adopted by people of all gender identities.
A person whose gender identity varies over time and may include male, female and non-binary gender identities.
Typically a woman who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to other women.
(also ‘genderqueer’). Referring to a person whose gender identity does not align with a binary understanding of gender such as man or woman.
It is a gender identity which may include man and woman, androgynous, fluid, multiple, no gender, or a different gender outside of the “woman—man” spectrum.
A person whose choice of sexual or romantic partner is not limited by the other person’s sex, gender identity or gender expression.
Historically a derogatory term used as a slur against LGBTQ2 people, this term has been reclaimed by many LGBTQ2 people as a positive way to describe themselves, and as a way to include the many diverse identities not covered by common LGBTQ2 acronym.
A person who is uncertain about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity; this can be a transitory or a lasting identity.
Gender Expression:
Gender expression refers to the various ways in which people choose to express their gender identity. For example: clothes, voice, hair, make-up, etc. A person’s gender expression may not align with societal expectations of gender. It is therefore not a reliable indicator of a person’s gender identity.
Gender Identity:
Internal and deeply felt sense of being a man or woman, both or neither. A person’s gender identity may or may not align with the gender typically associated with their sex. It may change over the course of one’s lifetime.
(also ‘trans’). A person whose gender identity differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.
(also Two Spirit or Two-Spirited). An English term used to broadly capture concepts traditional to many Indigenous cultures. It is a culturally-specific identity used by some Indigenous people to indicate a person whose gender identity, spiritual identity and/or sexual orientation comprises both male and female spirits.
Closing Thoughts
The goal of our Diversity and Inclusion committee is to continue making ASP an inclusive environment where all employees are respected, valued, and given every opportunity succeed. Our June 2021 Pride Month Roundtable was instrumental in helping us achieve this goal. We encourage all of our employees, regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity, to consider how you can be an ally to your LGBTQ2S+ coworkers. Addressing your colleagues by their chosen pronouns and not making assumptions about them is a great place to start. If you have any questions about LGBTQ2S+ terminology or issues, please contact our committee at
By Sarah Jessop, Secretary for the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (She/Her)
At ASP, we value and recognize the diverse religious beliefs of our employees. The world is rich in diversity and so is our workforce, which is reflected in the observances celebrated by its various cultures. Knowledge of the following diversity holidays and celebrations can enhance our workplace diversity and inclusion efforts. Throughout the months of July, August and September 2021 a variety of religious holidays, festivals, observances, and spiritual commemorations took place. These events were celebrated and observed by many of us, so it is important that we recognize and respect each and every one of them. We have compiled a list below of the many important religious events that took place throughout the last few months. We encourage you to review this list to learn more about some of the significant celebrations and observances that are meaningful to your colleagues and friends. Let’s celebrate diversity, together.
July 2021
July 9 – Baha’i: Martyrdom of the Bab – commemorates the execution of the co-founder of the Baha’i faith, the Bab
July 17 -22 – Islamic: The Hajj – annual pilgrimage that all Muslims must make to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once
July 18 – Jewish: Tisha B’Av – this holiday commemorates the destruction of the Jewish temple in both 586 BCE and 70 CE in Jerusalem
July 19 – 23 – Islamic: Eid al-Adha – a Muslim celebration marking the end of the Hajj pilgrimage
July 23 – Rastafarian: Birthday of Haile Selassie – celebrates Emperor Haile Selassie, who was believed to be the incarnation of God
August 2021
August 1 – Pagan and Wiccan: Lughnasadh – festival marking the beginning of the harvest season
August 10 – Islamic: Islamic New Year – Also called Hijiri, this day marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar and begins at the sighting of the crescent moon
August 15 – Roman Catholic: Feast of the Assumption – a holy day that commemorates the Virgin Mary’s bodily ascension to Heaven
August 30 – Hindu: Krishna Janmashtami – an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu.
September 2021
September 4 – 11 – Jain: Paryushana – the most important Jain religious observance, this festival is about forgiveness, with “paryushana” meaning “abiding” or “coming together”
September 6 – 8 – Jewish: Rosh Hashanah – celebration of the Jewish New Year that begins at sundown and brings upon a period of reflection for the past year and year to come
September 11 – Coptic Orthodox Christian: Nayrouz (Coptic New Year) – a feast day when both martyrs and confessors are commemorated in the church
September 16 – Jewish: Yom Kippur – the day of atonement in Judaism where individuals reflect on their sins and seek forgiveness from God
September 21 -27 – Jewish: Sukkot – A day that commemorates the years that the Jews journeyed to the desert on their way to the promised land
September 20 – October 6 – Hindu: Pitru Paksha – 16-day period when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors
September 21 – Pagan and Wiccan: Mabon – the Autumnal equinox
September 28 – Islamic: Arbaeen – A day of religious observance that marks the end of the 40- day mourning period following the Day of Ashura
Do you feel we have missed anything? Let us know! Contact our Diversity and Inclusion committee at
By Sarah Jessop, Secretary for the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (She/Her)
In the year 2020, a series of unconscionable events publicly uncovered long-standing racial inequities in North America. In February, a young black man named Ahmaud Arbery went for a jog and never returned home to his family. Breonna Taylor, a Black medical worker, was killed by police officers in her own apartment.
MELICIA GREGORY Diversity and Inclusion Committee Employee Chair
The murder of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, was captured on camera in a video that shocked and outraged us all. The Covid-19 pandemic brought about racist attacks against the Asian community, and racial and ethnic minorities were disproportionately impacted by Covid-19 due to a history of systemic racism.
These senseless and tragic events laid bare a hard truth that compelled us to take action. People from all over the world woke up and recognized that sitting idly by and “not being a racist” will not stop racism and discrimination.
In order to make a difference, we must work together and create change through an anti-racism and antidiscrimination lens.
As a result of this, a group of ASP employees and leaders came together in August of 2020 to create our Diversity and Inclusion committee. Our members share the common goal of ensuring that all ASP employees have a seat at the table.
Our purpose is to develop Diversity and Inclusion initiatives that will ensure that all employees are respected, valued and given every opportunity to succeed.
We are focused on equity, which means that we recognize that each person or group has different circumstances and we must allocate resources and opportunities accordingly to reach an equal outcome.
The committee is co-chaired by Neeru Panjwani, Employer Chair and Melicia Gregory, Employee Chair. To make ourselves easily identifiable to our employees, the Diversity and Inclusion committee created our own logo based on the original ASP branding. Keep an eye out for this logo as you should be able to spot it in all of our past, present, and future communications.
2020-2021 Initiatives
During our first meeting, our committee quickly realized that the voice of our employees will guide our action plan. For this reason, we developed our first initiative – the Diversity and Inclusion Survey.
The Diversity and Inclusion Survey was centred around researched constructs of inclusion, such as fairness, belonging, and voice. It measured your opinion on the degree to which our culture creates an inclusive environment where people of all cultures, background and identities can thrive.
We used your feedback to guide all of the programs we developed and implemented. You may recall the following:
Black History Month Roundtable February 2021
The purpose of the roundtable was to create a safe space for Black ASP employees to come together and share their thoughts and experiences. The event was hosted by Melicia Gregory, the Employee Chair of ASPs Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Melicia, along with many other ASP employees, did an excellent job in celebrating black culture whilst also educating all those in attendance about their lived experiences.
International Women’s Day – May 8, 2021:
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we asked our women-identifying employees to submit their photo and a message for our newsletter on what it’s like to work at ASP It was wonderful to hear from so many of you across the organization.
Asian Heritage Month Roundtable May 2021
This event was chaired by ASP employee Fanny Tran, PSR at Billy Bishop Airport and guest-host Joanna Zhang, Executive Assistant at the GTAA. During the roundtable, our employees shared their experiences around Asian heritage with the intention of celebrating the contributions made by Asian Canadians. Those in attendance openly discussed the issues that continue to impact many Asian communities today. Like the Black History Month Roundtable, this was a beautiful event that increased awareness and understanding within those who attended.
Mental Health Week – May-3-9, 2021:
During Mental Health Week, we sent out a link to our EAP provider’s (LifeWorks) new website that is all about self-care. The microsite explores why self-care should be part of your routine and how to work it into your daily life, no matter the situation. As a reminder, the link can be found here:
In June 2021, ASP’s Diversity and Inclusion committee ran our first ever Pride Month roundtable.
This event was organized to celebrate ASP’s LGBTQ2S+ employees and their allies, and to address and understand the various issues LGBTQ2S+ individuals face in the workplace.
The roundtable was chaired by Christine Parkinson, Tanner Parkinson and Sarah Jessop. For more information, please see the Pride Month Roundtable article that is included in this newsletter.
For the month of June, ASP updated our branding to include the Pride flag rainbow colouring. It is important to mention that ASPs support of the LGBTQ2s+ community goes far beyond one month of recognition. This act simply served as a symbol of our year round allyship.
National Indigenous Peoples Day June 21, 2021:
This year, National Indigenous Day was dedicated to the missing children, the families left behind, and the survivors of residential schools.
ASP stands in solidarity with Indigenous communities across Canada as we continue to mourn this tragedy. In the June 2021 memo that was released by our committee, we asked our Indigenous ASP employees to share their experiences with us.
We’d like anyone reading this newsletter to review the beautiful and poignant article entitled “Wachiya!” that was written by ASP employee Katrina Stachurski. Katrina is a Canine Handler and a proud member of the Indigenous community.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021 was the first formally recognized National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. This day honours the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities.
ASP sent out an informative article in September to educate our employees on the history and significance of this day.
We encourage you all to continue learning more about the rich and diverse cultures, voices, experiences and stories of First Nations, Inuit and Metis people by visiting the Government of Canada’s website:
Other initiatives included:
Implementation of our Workplace Harassment, Violence and Bullying Prevention Policy in 2021
Increased email and newsletter communication on behalf of the Diversity and Inclusion committee for important events, holidays, observances and resources
Launch of our Diversity and Inclusion Inbox – This provides a direct line of contact between our employees and the committee. It is a great way to ask us questions or make suggestions.
Moving Forward Upcoming 2021 Initiatives
As you can see, our committee was busy over the last year! 2021 isn’t over yet, so please keep an eye out for a few more initiatives coming your way. This includes:
ASP Diversity and Inclusion SelfIdentification Survey
We will be sending out a link to our Self-Identification Survey via ISpring in the near future. By completing this survey, you will be helping our committee capture an accurate picture of our diverse workforce, which will in turn allow us to design and implement thoughtful initiatives that are intended to leverage the diversity in our workplace. Many of you have already discovered and completed this survey as it is showing under your ISpring courses – thank you for being so proactive!
2021 Diversity and Inclusion Survey
In November 2021, we will once again be asking you to complete the Diversity and Inclusion Survey that you answered in 2020. Last years results were critical in helping us design our 2021 initiatives, and so we will use your feedback to guide us into the New Year!
Membership Drive
Do you stand against racism and all forms of discrimination? Are you committed to expanding our inclusion and anti-discrimination practices and policies? If so, we’d love for you to apply for a membership with our committee. We are specifically looking for frontline employees to join the committee as we require more representation and expertise from this area. Please note that as an hourly employee, you would be compensated for any Diversity and Inclusion Committee meetings you attend on your day-off. To find out more, apply to join through the link below or send an email to Please be sure to share with us why you are passionate on this topic.
If you have any questions for our committee, please do not hesitate to contact us at
On August 15, 2021, I reached a milestone in my career – my 10-year anniversary with ASP. What’s even more amazing is that I share this milestone with Darren Scott of the Resource Planning department as we both embarked on our career with ASP on the same day. Back then the small office was located on Brant Street in Burlington and the addition of the two of us was a 25% jump in staff. They managed to clear out a very cluttered office for me (coincidentally I still have a very cluttered office in our current location of my own doing). I had to go through three intense interviews and a personality test. I am happy that I was chosen to join the ASP Management team. My experiences from the food manufacturing business prepared me well for the strict regulatory environment and compliance with the security programs. I wasn’t prepared for the challenges unique to an employee service business. Our frontline workers are the face of ASP – not the managers, not the executive, but the staff that are in front of the customers every day. How they look – uniform clean, pressed, how they act – smiling, courteous, is key and important. The image of ASP is them. Having a tour of the various locations serviced by ASP showed me how proud the employees were to be wearing their uniform and representing ASP. They were friendly and extended a handshake welcoming me.
This forced me to change the way I think as the product we sell isn’t fixed, but a pliable dynamic person who is impacted by everything from the weather, their drive to commute or anything that is happening in their personal life positive or negative. The importance on employee satisfaction has been a high priority for the management team and is reflective of the focus and dedication they have in understanding the need to maintain frontline staff that are engaged and happy in their role – they’re what is important. Even through a pandemic and the fear of the unknown, the team has done their best in understanding and communicating with the employees and still focus on employee satisfaction. This has always been the case and remains so with even more emphasis given to it. As the goals remain the same, other things have changed. The market focus was in the GTA and a small operation in Calgary. There was a staff compliment of just over 500 staff. We now have 2,000 staff, sales have more than tripled, our service offering includes canine explosive detection and school crossing guards, our geography includes Ontario, Alberta, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. We moved from our main headquarters on Brant Street to Appleby Line in Burlington and have moved to a second larger office in North York to replace the small downtown St. Mary Street Toronto location. And we continue to grow. The people factor remains the core driver in our everyday interactions with employees, customers, vendors, and peers. I am very proud of the people of ASP that I have had the opportunity to meet and hope to meet many more. I want to thank the accounting team of Sherrie, Gisselle, Yemisi, Melissa and Paige who work tirelessly to ensure the employee is put first and making my job easier, to the remaining office staff for letting me be part of your lives, my supporting and loving wife of 30 years for tolerating when work calls and to Dean Lovric our President and CEO for adopting me into the ASP family 10 years ago. I am honoured to be part of this wonderful extended family. It has been a fun ride like no other in my career.
“Having a tour of the various locations serviced by ASP showed me how proud the employees were to be wearing their uniform and representing ASP.”
By Jasmine Khimany, Human Resources Manager
Lissa Ncube
Lissa Ncube has joined ASP as a HR Admin/Recruiter for the Residential/Commercial Division. Prior to ASP, Lissa worked at African Caribbean Black Network as a Community Development Coordinator. She has completed Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Human Resources Minor from University of Waterloo. Lissa’s approachable and optimistic personality along with the other traits makes her a wonderful addition to the ASP HR Team.
Mohammed Arafat Khan
Mohammed has joined ASP as a Recruiter for the Residential/Commercial Division. Mohammed brings strong administrative and recruitment experience. Prior to his current role at ASP, Mohammed worked at Logixx International Inc. as a Security Site Supervisor.
He has completed his Post-Graduation Diploma in Global Business Management from Centennial College. Mohammed’s calm, positive and friendly personality makes him a great fit for the ASP Team.
Jason Tonini
Jason Tonini has joined ASP as a Recruiter for the Residential/Commercial Division. Jason bring 2+ years of experience working as a Recruiter/client specialist. Prior to ASP, Jason worked at Mier Recruitment & Apple One Employment services. Jason’s flexible nature and positive attitude are just a few of the valued traits he brings to his current role.
By Neeru Panjwani, Human Resources Manager
It is our pleasure to introduce and welcome the following new members in our team. Please join us in providing a warm ASP welcome to all the new members. We are proud to have you all as part of our team!
Russ Fox
Russ Fox officially joined the ASP team in the role of “Master Trainer” in the Canine Division. Reporting to Ms. Trisha Murray – Director of Canine and Resource Planning Department, Russ will oversee our Canine trainers and achieve training excellence for our Canine Division. Russ has been working with ASP on a contractual basis, and we’re thrilled to bring him on full time. Among Russ’ credentials, he is a Master Trainer with The Canine Law Enforcement Registry and Formerly with Peel Regional Canine Unit.
During his tenure with the Peel regional Police, Russ trained 22 Patrol teams, 9 Narcotic teams and 2 explosive teams. He has certified dozens more teams for other jurisdictions and continues to train and judge in the world of high performance canines.
Sharifa Akbar
Sharifa Akbar joined us as “Training Coordinator” for the Aviation Security Division. Sharifa, who likes to be calle Sherry, reports to Mr. David Ramlagan – National Aviation Training Manager. In her role, Sherry will be responsible for developing and/or arranging high quality Training Programs which meet all GTAA and Transport Canada specified requirements for our frontline staff in airport security.
She has over four years of rich experience in the field of training development and facilitation. Sherry is certified in Adult Education from Sheridan College and Service Excellence from Ontario Tourism Education Center.
Melissa Shehadeh
Melissa Shehadeh has joined ASP as “Accountant” in the Finance Department and reports to Mr. Paul Parkinson – Director of Finance. Melissa has a Business Administration Diploma with specialization in Accounting from the University of Guelph-Humber.
Before joining ASP, she has worked in the finance and accounting field for over four years in a fast paced and detailoriented work environment. Her experience has helped her develop advanced technical and multi-tasking skills with the ability to learn quickly while maintaining / improving efficiency.
Paige Piercy
Paige Pierce is our newest member in the Finance department. She joined us as “Payroll Specialist” and will report to Mr. Paul Parkinson – Director of Finance.
Paige will support the payroll department in day-to-day payroll duties to ensure that employee pay is processed on a timely basis and without any error.
Currently pursuing Payroll Compliance Practitioner Certification, Paige is an enthusiastic and highly motivated professional with over five years of experience in an administrative capacity.
In her last role, prior to joining ASP, Paige worked as a Payroll Administrator where she processed payroll for around 500 employees bi-weekly wherein she gained rich experience on payroll software and payroll compliance protocols.
Lilia Olejarz
Lilia Olejarz joined ASP as HR Administrator and will be based out of the Burlington Head Office location. She reports to Ms. Neeru Panjwani – HR Manager.
Lilia holds a graduation certificate in Human Resources Management from Mohawk College which meets the academic requirements for the prestigious Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.
She was a HR intern at Ferrero Canada where she gained experience in recruiting frontline employees in a fastpaced environment and facilitating the onboarding and orientation of new hire staff.
At ASP, Lilia will be responsible for efficient management of employee personnel records and documents and proper execution of all HR compliance related procedures in the field of employee personal database management while also supporting HR projects for the team.
By Rikki Ellul, Service Delivery Coordinator
“Ozan Kaya is one of our many great Respite Supervisors who was recently recognized by the Toronto Police Services for his excellent and professional assistance in making an arrest at one of our Respite locations. Ozan has been working respites with ASP since August 2020 and his great efforts do not go unnoticed. He is a hard worker who is constantly looking for growth and provides excellent support to his team and ASP. Ozan was awarded an ASP Certificate of Appreciation for his constant hard work and ability to lead his team with confidence and success.
We look forward to continuing watching Ozan’s journey with us!”
1. If you could give new employees any advice, what would it be?
A: My biggest recommendation for new employees would be to utilize your surroundings, whether that be the ASP management team, your onsite supervisor or your coworkers, someone will always know something you didn’t and use that knowledge you gain from them to your advantage.
2. Why is teamwork important to you and how do you ensure your team always works together?
A: Teamwork gives you the confidence in knowing that not only will the job you do be more enjoyable but also more efficient. On my team when we have free time, we rarely spend it on our phones but instead tell each other stories of who we are, what we have done and the things we have seen. Building comradery is essential when you are with someone for 12 hours every day, and want to build friendships.
By Vasilis Androutsos, Manager, Operations RES/CIC
Since we all spend so much time within our scope of work, one of the initiatives we have identified to increase employee engagement, morale and encourage good working relationships amongst our colleagues was to create a social committee within our Toronto office.
Having a dedicated committee that primarily focuses on fun, lighthearted, team building opportunities and allows us to incorporate a fun-filled calendar into our workplace, will allow us to achieve a good work-life balance for our health and wellbeing. Having organised social events will give all of us something fun to look forward to and help us all relieve workplace stress.
Some of the benefits that our team members will see is increased employee engagement, opportunities for networking and career growth, lower employee turnover, minimizing conflict in the workplace and opportunities for diversity and inclusion. Our goal is to focus on Diversity and Inclusion workplace wellness and set up events that we all can participate and have a great time.
Stephanie Power was appointed as the chair of the social committee, and I was able to pose a few questions to get some insight on how she sees the impact of the social committee having on our team members.
Why do you think having a work social committee is so important and beneficial?
I believe it is important and beneficial because it’s where colleagues get to come together, brainstorm and put together events, or ideas on how to have employee engagement and employee recognition in the workplace.
Having a social committee stimulates a real collaborative process where it allows team members to get to know one another while contributing to the workplace in a new and exciting way.
Our first event was the Summer Bash, which was a great success! We had everyone in the office participating, laughing, smiles on their faces and getting to know each other on a different but professional level.
What are you looking forward to the most as the chair of the Social Committee?
I am looking forward to working with the team on more events or ideas on how we can continue to build team moral in the workplace.
The best feeling is watching everything come together and seeing everyone participating and enjoying themselves. Also, when the employees come to us and say thank you, they had so much fun, and appreciate our hard work we put into the event is very rewarding.
RES/CIC will be hosting another session in the coming weeks for our Human Resources team.
By Sean Gallagher, Recruitment Manager
ASP has done a lot of growing in the past year, especially in our Recruitment department. We’ve expanded our department to ensure each division of ASP gets the attention it needs to bring in qualified new talent.
Here is a guide to our new and ever-growing team to help in case you’re looking to expand and grow in the company or have a friend you’d like to refer.
Recruitment Management
SEAN GALLAGHER Recruitment Manager
The team is spearheaded by Sean Gallagher, who shares his nearly a decade of ASP experience to guide the team and his expansive security experience. Feel free to reach out to him for any referral bonus payouts, canine handler positions, and office postings at sgallagher@aspsecurity
KEBA WALTERS Assistant Recruitment Manager
Reach out for any promotional opportunities and any general inquiries for the Residential/Commercial division at kwalters@aspsecurity
Both Jason and Mohamed bring in a mix of a background in recruitment as well as security and can guide you or your referrals through the ASP process smoothly. Reach out to Mohamed and Jason for any Residential, Commercial, or Specialist roles at and
Nadia, one of the team’s most experienced Recruiters, can assist with any of the following roles: Calgary Airport, Billy Bishop Airport, Ottawa Airport, Sudbury Airport, TPIA Specialists, Operational Support Reps, and Aviation Supervisor roles and can be contacted at
Tasiyah, coming from the residential/commercial side to aviation can assist with TPIA Access Control Security positions and any questions you may have regarding Transport Canada Clearance forms at
Amina is another invaluable member of the team and can support you with any inquiries regarding Transport Canada Application and RAIC form signing for Toronto Pearson Airport (TPIA) at
We’re very excited to welcome our new recruitment team members to ASP! Any further questions can be sent to and we’ll get you connected to the right person!