By Bryan Joly, Training Manager

The RES CIC Training Department hosted their Use of Force training for the Recruitment Team. Training Coordinators Mike Moledzki and Ryan Durkin put the Recruitnent Team through their entire Use of Force Training Program. The training focused on
the Criminal Code and how to manage resistive behaviour. There was also a physical portion of the training which included takedowns, handcuffing, and baton training.

The purpose of this was to give Recruitment a full understanding of the training process for our Respite, and Union Station Guards. Sonika Ramachandran, of the Recruitment team, enjoyed every minute of the training. “The training was extremely comprehensive and gave me a much deeper understanding of exactly what our guards have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. I have a great appreciation for our guards and the security industry as a whole”.

RES/CIC will be hosting another session in the coming weeks for our Human Resources team.

“The purpose of this was to give recruitment a full understanding of the tranining process for our respite, and Union Station Guards.”

By Sean Gallagher, Keba Walters & Tasiyah McDoom

Our Recruitment team is excited to announce our latest competition, and all it takes is a few taps on your smartphone. To enter our #LetsFollow Challenge, follow the 3 easy steps below:

We are asked questions about how to refer candidates and what we are looking for. We are always looking for referrals. Here’s what you should know:

  • Follow ASP Security on Instagram and LinkedIn
  • Tag 2 friends in Security on our post
  • Share any of our posts with the hashtag #LetsFollow on one of your social media accounts (i.e. Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook).

That’s it! If you follow these 3 steps, you will be entered into our draw for brand-new Apple Airpods! You can enter as many times as you want, as long as you are tagging different people each time.

Our Recruitment team loves giveaways, so stay posted on our social media pages (Linkedin and Instagram) to stay up-to-date with any and all contests and giveaways, along with our special shoutouts. Our social media pages are our hub of information regarding new positions, trainings, industry news, programs and competitions, and mostly showing our appreciation for… well… YOU! Our people are the source that drives us to be better, and these pages are our chance to showcase that.

“Our Recruitment team loves giveaways, so stay posted on our social media pages (Linkedin and Instagram) to stay up-to-date with any and all contests and giveaways”

Interested in winning a brand-new pair of Apple Airpods?!

Congratulations to our last grand prize winner, SCGS Crossing Guard, Olga Plunkett! She participated in our referrals competition last month and won a 50” TV!

As always, we encourage anyone to refer their fellow security guards to our company, especially if you see a role posted that would be perfect for them. If your friend is hired, after 90 days we’ll send you $100. It’s that simple! Just make sure you tell them to add your name when they come in for their interview!

Please send any of your friends resumes that you think would be a great addition to our company to or to apply for a specific position, apply online at

Our #LetsFollow Challenge begins July 1st and continues until August 1st . We will be announcing the winner shortly after. Until then, #LetsFollow ASP and win!

As the saying goes, “nothing worth having comes easily”.

The K9 Division at ASP has experienced this sentiment first hand and we are  all really proud of what they have achieved.

As part of a new federal program, ASP embarked upon the ambitious mission of servicing the air cargo industry with Government Certified K9 handlers in five major Canadian cities. Our first nationally dispersed contract was awarded to us by Federal Express. Not long after we signed on with this industry leading client, ASP K9 staff quickly learned that we would need to be adaptive and resourceful in our approach to training, and diligent in our pursuit of certification with Transport Canada.

After a few lessons learned, our K9 handlers mastered the administrative and practical requirements for National Certification. We are extremely proud to be the first company in Canada with fully certified K9 handlers. It is a responsibility we hold in the highest regards to be leading this new burgeoning industry. We are learning every day. Delivering explosive detection services to the cargo industry is met by our teams with the same unwavering professionalism and enthusiasm that we deliver in all of our K9 programs.

The future for ASP K9 is both exciting and very “Pawmising”.

Canada’s Wonderland

We’ve missed almost two years of fun, food and friendship at ASP during the lockdowns and public health restrictions in 2020 and 2021. With the public health crisis improving everyday and the news that Canada’s Wonderland will re-open in July, we knew what had to be done!

On September 18th we invite our ASP team to join us at Canada’s Wonderland for admission to the park all day, parking, a catered lunch, and exclusive rides from 8pm-10pm that night.

Mark the date on your calendars so you’ll be sure to be able to join us. Watch your inbox for more information in July and August and for details on how to sign up.

During the difficult times we are currently in, it is extremely important to focus on mental health. There are multiple different ways one can focus on their mental fortitude:

  • Physical Activity
  • Stress Management
  • Healthy Eating

Stress Management is a very vague statement but refers to the multiple different ways you can manage your stress levels:

  • Meditation Video
  • Games Reading
  • Puzzles
  • Conversations with others
  • Brain Teasers
  • Writing


1. Possibility of suffering harm or being in “trouble or harm.

3. Toronto Hockey Team

6. ASP ___________

9. Managing the entrance to a location via security

10. A Medieval tool used to protect oneself in battle

12. To watch or notice something important


2. Incident / Special Occurrence document

4. Security term for watching areas and people closely / carefully

5. Toronto basketball team

7. The opposite of negative

8. Referring to either a vehicle or cellular device

10. The feeling of being secure and unharmed

11. Type of surveillance through the use of cameras

By Debbie Ciccotelli, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has designated 2021 as the “Year of Security Culture”.

Additionally, 2021 commemorates the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, the worst acts of unlawful interference in the history of Aviation.

As we begin 2021, it is equally important to acknowledge the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the aviation industry. The true extent of the economic damage sustained by the wider aviation industry still remains largely unknown, yet in spite of this, the focus of the aviation industry is now on how to restart amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in a safe and healthy manner.

As we begin the road to recovery a renewed focus on security is important. Threats against civil aviation continue to evolve and COVID-19 has not reduced the attractiveness of aviation as a terrorist target. I want to take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of continuing to cultivate a high level of security awareness at all levels within our aviation teams and to reinforce the need to proactively, think and consistently act in a security-conscious manner. By ensuring we have a robust and positive security culture, we can support our clients in increasing airport security compliance and vigilance which will in turn will contribute to increasing public confidence in the air transportation system.

What is Security Culture?

ICAO has defined security culture as a set of norms, beliefs, values, attitudes, and assumptions that are inherent in the daily operation of an organization and are reflected by the actions and behaviours of all entities and personnel within the organization. Security should be everyone’s responsibility – from the ground up.

Effective security culture is about:

  • Recognizing that effective security is critical to business success
  • Establishing an appreciation of positive security practices among employees
  • Aligning security to core business goals
  • Articulating security as a core value rather than as an obligation or a burdensome

Embracing the Year of Security Culture is a “call to action” and as security is part of the DNA of ASP, we have an obligation as both a company and as individuals to actively build on our strengths as we adapt to the new normal. Each one of us needs to believe that we can make a difference and to capitalize on the opportunity to demonstrate the strong security culture and mindset every member of our aviation team brings to the airport communities which we serve. Our security culture must be mirrored in our actions and behaviours and your personal commitment is the foundation of our efforts.

With this in mind, let’s work in partnership with our aviation clients to ensure the success of the Year of Security Culture 2021.

By Paul Parkinson, Director, Finance

Being a manager is a demanding job. Meeting organizational goals and resolving unexpected problems while juggling the demands of senior leaders and the needs of the team can mean bouncing from one activity to another and feeling like having achieved very little. Being an effective manager means working smarter—and inspiring your entire team to work smarter.

Setting the example

There are several techniques that may help you better manage your time. Try the following:

Apply the 80/20 principle

The 80/20 principle states that approximately 80 percent of our results come from just 20 percent of our efforts. The key to better utilizing our time—and increasing our effectiveness—is to focus more on the 20 percent of our work that actually produces results. These are likely to be complex, demanding, time-consuming tasks, but they are what should be at the top of our daily to-do list.

Schedule meetings in blocks

Meetings are usually interspersed throughout your day and invariably go over schedule – making it difficult for you to focus on that important 20 percent. If you are calling the meetings, schedule them in blocks so that one begins right after another. This also helps meetings to start and end on time.

Schedule specific times to return calls and emails each day

Use your voicemail to say you will return calls at a certain time or by the end of the business day. This way you won’t be constantly interrupted.

Schedule quiet time

You need time to focus on those priority tasks that, as stated, are often complex and challenging. At the same time, you want to have an open-door policy for your staff. Let your team know that when your door is closed, you’re working on something that requires your full concentration and would appreciate not being interrupted unless the matter is urgent. Also let people know that when your door is open, they are welcome to bring questions and concerns to you.


You’ll have more time to concentrate on pressing matters if you delegate certain tasks. You’ll also demonstrate that you value people’s abilities and are ready to help them develop their skills.

Leading – not just managing

Great leaders are not only knowledgeable and capable— they’re perceived as being fair and trustworthy. They set the standard for others to follow.

Be accountable

Admit when you’re wrong and be gracious when proved wrong. Also, understand when other people make mistakes. Managers who are more concerned with what is right rather than being right are less likely to have team members who shift blame and hide their errors.

Take time to communicate clearly

You don’t want your staff repeatedly asking for clarification or spending hours trying to figure out what you want. Spend a little extra time upfront conveying information and listening to any questions or concerns.

Involve staff

Ask your team for ideas to streamline processes, improve resources and reduce workloads (attending lengthy meetings that do not involve your department). You’ll get a better understanding of the challenges staff face while empowering them.

Resolve conflicts quickly and effectively

Conflicts, disagreements and misunderstandings waste time and undermine productivity. There are many talents, abilities and personality traits that make a great team leader but superior time management skills are perhaps one of the most important. A manager who is able to manage his or her own time—and the time of their teams—gets things done without placing unnecessary pressure on others. That means a more productive, engaged and happier team.

Published by Lifeworks Just one of the many perks that come with your benefit package. This and so much more.

By Melicia Gregory, Employee Chair for ASP’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Black History Month. A history too complex to be recognized in a day, week, month or year. A history of oppression, silencing and questioning one’s worth. A history that often reminds us that not much has changed and that the deep-rooted sentiments of racism are very still apparent.

During the Diversity and Inclusion Committee round table this month, I was given the opportunity to facilitate an open and honest discussion regarding Black History Month. I had brushed up on my research and tried to find a way to navigate the discussion. There are not enough words that could truly encompass the history of my people. Should I begin by reflecting on matters of the past with displaced or Black Canadians? What angle should I take? There was no angle. I went off script because being a Black woman, we are tired. Black people are tired. We are continually re-traumatized by reflecting on our ancestors on their knees, this represents the days of knees being rested on our fellow Black body (George Floyd).

The Black body and voice have always been forced into submission. Our very history that we are taught is negative and there is no mention of the kings and queens that used to reign in Africa. Our past has been erased and the only recollection we have is of modern Black revolutionaries such as Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X and Rosa Parks. When the status quo of white people is challenged, we are promised a fate of certain death, imprisonment and stigmatization of race.

During the roundtable discussion, it was apparent what Black people often have to put up with. This includes micro-aggressions and playing the role of the “nonthreatening” Mammy just to appease our coworkers. We often have to remain silent on pressing issues due to a lack of trust. Trust has gotten Black people nowhere before so there is distrust in a company or system that characterizes and polices the entire Black body. It is no wonder that we remain loud in our laughter and quiet in our suffering.

How can we make change? I propose that all Black people realize that we no longer need to play by the rules of fear. We’d like to encourage you to speak your voice; you’re not going to be less liked for speaking up. You are not troublesome, your voices and lives matter. Take time to reflect on your past and your current situation. Don’t be afraid of building new relationships and allies, as sometimes we see that people actually care when we ally ourselves with other races.

Black people have been speaking for many years and the world is going to listen to us, respect us and know that our voices and history are greater than the month we introduced, greater than the food we create and the dance trends we invent. We are not a commodity that can be used up and discarded. We see you; we hear you, and we value your efforts.

To everyone who cares about human rights, remember that Black history is a matter of the abrasive abuse of human rights onto Black people. Let us right our wrongs, avoid making assumptions (but do make eye contact) and try bridging that gap between yourself and the quiet co-worker who may be bottling their emotions just to keep their job. Please join in and lend your voice to our Diversity and Inclusion Committee; where your life matters, your opinions are heard and a difference can be made in shifting the pendulum one step at a time.

By Marcela Mecaj, Airside Supervisor for Gurdeep Aujla, NPSV - TPIA

I want to nominate Gurdeep Aulja our senior guard on Airside for International Women’s Day.

Her dedication and long hours that she puts in for our company, and her willingness to make her work a better place, are a true inspiration.”

“If you want to follow, follow the footsteps of your women colleagues because they are the real heroes and real winner.s. Managing home and work as a single mother, is never easy but she has always done it so effortlessly….. Wishing you all the success and prosperity on International Women’s Day.”

Thank you everyone for sending in your testimonials. As a company and as individuals, we must continue to champion and promote workplace diversity and gender equality, not just because it is the fair and right thing to do, but because gender diversity has a positive impact on the success of the company.

The ASP Diversity and Inclusion Committee is committed to promotion of workplace equality and diversity. For more information, please write to

“If you want to follow, follow the footsteps of your women colleagues because she is the real hero and real winner.”

By Neeru Panjwani, Human Resource Manager – Aviation

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. At ASP, we celebrate it every day because of the courage, confidence, and courteousness of all our female employees who make it happen every day. International Women’s Day serves as a reminder to the strength of women, the beauty in diversity and the steps we have all taken in the positive direction.

As of last month, we have 886 female employees of total 2019 employees (almost 44%). We have also seen an increase in the number of female employees in our office and management positions whereby 44% of the group is represented by women employees.

ASP values workplace diversity and gender equality, which is evident in the number of women in our organization and the varying roles they occupy, ranging from Canine Handler, Security Specialist, Customer Service Agent, Resource Planner, Human Resources, Recruiter to Security Guards, which is extremely impressive in a traditionally male-dominated industry.

On this occasion we requested our women employees to send in their testimonials on how they feel as a Working Woman at ASP or Working Woman in Security. We are happy to share their views with everyone.

Ravinder Chhina – Security Supervisor at Calgary International Airport

Ravinder Chhina is a Supervisor at YYC Calgary International Airport. She has been working in security for 18 years and loves what she does. She always feels very respected not only by other ASP staff, but also by the entire airport community. As a woman in security, Chhina feels that she is very safe in her work environment and appreciates that everyone looks out for each other and works hard as a team to achieve shared goals. She feels that she is always treated the same regardless of her gender and this makes her feel like an equal and that her voice matters. When asked why she chose to work in security, she responded that “it’s not why security, it’s because I am security”.

“As of last month we have 886 female employees of 2019 total employees – almost 44%”

Melicia Gregory – Security Guard at Toronto Pearson International Airport

“Working at ASP has been such an honour. I have had such a wonderful opportunity of meeting like minded individual and strong women within the company. Working in a field that is often male dominated, it is a joy to know that ASP supports women in security and has given me many opportunities within the security field.”

Diana Forbes – Security Specialist at Toronto Pearson International Airport

“Being a woman in the field of Security is a lot to manage and balance but to be treated equal and to get the respect when wearing the uniform makes it all worthwhile. Women are caring, thoughtful and reliable and put others needs before theirs. It takes hard work and leadership to keep workplace area safe and secure.

Being a female Security Guard is having a positive attitude, being polite, respectful, caring, and cautious. Customer Service is most important. Being soft spoken yet firm while trying to deal or handle a situation/matter is the key.

Being a Female Security Guard is and amazing and fabulous experience. It also gives me Customer Service experience and the benefit of interacting with the public. It gives me the opportunity to be myself and the honor of representing ASP where I work each and everyday. I really and truly enjoy being part of ASP Security Family. Blessed and thankful to be part of a company that welcomed me with open arms. Thank you and keep going strong and positive.”

Karen Mahabir, Elizabeth Purnwasi, Khadija Beale – Operational Support Representatives at Toronto Pearson International Airport

“Everyday at ASP feels like Woman’s day!”

“to be treated equal and get the respect when wearing the uniform makes it all worthwhile”

Jenelle Kunkel – School Crossing Guard

“It is wonderful to be a woman in safety, and if it’s not, we need to make it be. I feel strong and empowered, like a woman can do anything. It gives me confidence and raises my self esteem. The connection I have with others has a big impact on me in a positive way.”

Jennifer Mitchell – Security Guard at Greater Sudbury Airport

“I work for ASP at the Sudbury airport and I love my job here.”

Noreen Khan – Security Guard , Residential and Commercial Division

“I’m proud to be working as a female security guard. What I learned from my experience is that being a good Security Officer isn’t just about how to have the physical strength to defend someone, it’s more about communication, attention to detail, multi-tasking and empathy.

Women are usually better than men at dealing with males in heated situations. We’re good mediators and we’re able to get people to see another side of the argument and to just ‘quiet down’ and take some time out, which in many incidents is enough to quell a situation.

Women are also great communicators and that’s a key skill for front-line Security Guards. Strong communication is ideal on the ground to ensure all team members know exactly what they’re doing.”

“being a good security officer isn’t just about how to have physical strength to defend someone or something”

Anna Cappuccitti – School Crossing Guard

“Greeted every morning by the beautiful smiles of my children makes my day every day. Knowing that I am keeping the children and their parents safe always makes me proud to be a School Crossing Guard.

I was told by one of the parents that I have the most important job of all. I take this to heart, and I can see that everyone is appreciative of what I do. Crossing them safely across the street, keeping the sidewalks clear of snow, salt and any other debris, (311 has gotten to know my name) and even keeping the children company when their parents are late. I want them to know they can trust me.

On this Woman’s International Day, I want to express that behind the SCHOOL CROSSING STOP SIGN, I stand as a confident and proud woman.”

Maria Estrella – Security Guard at Toronto Pearson International Airport

“21 years ago I started this grateful journey of having a job as an Access Control Officer

I consider myself a hardworking person, a fighter and proud to be a woman. I like my job and I love what I do.

Every day I come to work with my best wishes to be able to help build a better country. With the satisfaction of knowing that I have given the best of me to the service of the airport community, and to make every day not just an a ordinary day a much better day knowing that I’ve done my job.

Queeneth Nkanga – Crossing Guard

“I am delighted to have the opportunity of contributing to the overall effort of ensuring the safety of our children. The best part of my job as a crossing guard is having the privileged platform of impacting every child that I have worked together with the best knowledge needed for a happy and successful life – LOVE. God bless our children.”

“On This Women’s International Day, I want to express that behind SCHOOL CROSSING STOP SIGN, I stand as a confident and proud woman.”

Zaina Syed – Security Guard , TPIA

“I have been with ASP for 7 months now and I can confidently say that as a woman, I have never felt more equal to my male counterparts in a professional environment than I have with this company! Competency, performance, hard work, professionalism and respect are of the utmost value here. Women and men alike, we are all seen as equal power to keep this ship sailing. Happy International Women’s Day to all!”