By Kim Hefferman, Service Delivery Manager

Working in respites is nothing short of unpredictable and Tuesday May 3rd at the Willowdale Welcome Center (5800 Yonge Street) was an example of just how quickly a situation can unfold.

ASP Security Shift Supervisor Scott Maidens, Security Guard Emily Parkinson and Security Guard Jasmeet Singh were only 30 minutes into their shift when a violent situation developed.

A service user grabbed a shelter staff member and held a knife to the person’s neck. The ASP team instinctively leapt into action, utilizing their training and experience to intervene and safely disarm the individual.

The quick actions and level of professionalism displayed by Scott, Emily and Jasmeet were nothing less than heroic and without a doubt prevented a potentially tragic event from happening.

As a result of their actions on this day, the City of Toronto has recommended all three ASP security staff for a Cause for Applause award.

A Cause for Applause is awarded to employees or teams that have gone above and beyond their day-to-day responsibilities.

Nominees include employees or teams that have achieved extraordinary work with a positive impact to internal clients, residents and/or business.

The entire management team at ASP would like to recognize and thank Scott, Emily and Jasmeet for their exemplary actions in the face of danger and we are extremely proud to have ASP represented in such a positive and professional manner!

Thank you for going above and beyond in the face of crisis and continuing to do what you do on a daily basis.

ASP Heros

By Sean Gallagher, Manager, Recruitment

Security is currently a hot market, providing more money, growth & development, and new experiences than ever before. As more and more people turn to security as a career option, we’d like to give our people the chance to cash in on the growing industry. If you have friends, family, or colleague at another organization looking for advancement and great culture, we have a few programs at ASP that will reward you.

Referral Bonus Program (NEW & IMPROVED)

We’ve made updates to our referral bonus program. As of May 2022, anyone you refer to our company who is hired and passes their probation can earn you $300*. The bonus is paid out directly to your pay cheque.

Make sure the person you refer tells the recruiter during the interview that they were referred by you to be eligible.

To help, we’ve created these “We’re Hiring” cards. You can give this to the person you referred to show the recruiter during their interview. Please put your name and employee number on the card. To receive cards, ask your Manager or HR team for a few.

TV Giveaway

Want to win a 50” TV in September? Well, we’re doing it again! Each referral you get hired for Crossing Guards by September 6th, 2022, will enter you in a draw for a 50” TV. The more people you refer who are hired, the more chance you have at winning*!

Crossing Guard Olga Plunkett getting her TV from
Recruiter Shakerah in 2021

Give an Online Review!

Are you an ASP fan? For a limited time, you can win $250 for posting your review of ASP online. Share the experience of working at ASP on our Glassdoor and Indeed account. Take a screenshot of it and send to You’ll be entered in a bi-monthly draw for $250, just for sharing your opinion.

*Both you and the employee must be employees at ASP at the end of the
probation period/eligibility period to be eligible.

By Tom Lawson, General (Retired)

For over two years the world has been ravaged by COVID-19. Only now are we emerging from the many restrictions that deeply limited our lives at work and at home. As we emerge, the economy is recovering and we are jubilant. However, businesses like ours at ASP, while celebrating the decreasing risks to personnel and loosening restrictions, now face a different set of challenges. Businesses across the world are facing inflation, staff shortages, and unpredictable revenue. And these challenges require close attention and new approaches. Rest assured that the leadership team at ASP is fully engaged and prepared. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. For several ears now, I have been delighted to be a part of the ICTS/ASP team.

For the last two of those years, I spent many hours in leadership meetings where I witnessed the impressive care with which ASP’s leaders at all levels looked to the safety of its employees and worked endlessly to balance the requirements of its many clients with the need to safeguard health and welfare. And, by and large, it has worked. ASP has emerged from the pandemic strong and well-prepared for the resurgence to come.

During my years as an officer in the RCAF, and later as Canada’s Chief of Defence, I experienced the ups and downs associated with peacetime and wartime challenges. Looking back over those 40 years, I can now see that there were rarely any extended periods of calm. On the contrary, we moved from one significant challenge to the next. The key was to be ready for the next challenge, and the energy and creativity of Canada’s men and women in uniform always warded off any sense of desperation.

Similarly, it is safe to say that thriving businesses rarely experience periods of calm. Rather, as these companies grow, they adapt dynamically to changing conditions and balance challenges as they arise. It has been inspiring to see how ASP found its way ahead through the pandemic. Leaders worked endlessly and in close concert with employees to wend a path through the many novel problems that arose. What a wonderful thing to now be returning to the more traditional issues that face vibrant companies.

There is no doubt that ASP has taken a few bumps in recent months. The loss of some work at TPIA and the challenges with some municipal contracts have had the full attention of CEO Dean Lovric and his directors. And even as they have worked hard to regain the confidence of existing clients, the leadership team has been competing hard for, and winning, new contracts across the country. This is a defining characteristic of ASP – unflagging energy and enthusiasm.

With the pandemic receding, ASP is making a strong return to the recovering aviation industry, growing its K9 market share, and firming up its municipal contracts. ASP will return to its former growth curve, and everyone who has been part of the company can be credited with its success in weathering the pandemic storm.

ASP, its leaders and staff across the spectrum, have been doing so many things right. This has placed the company exactly where it needs to be for the post-pandemic return to full business. I have been honoured to have the opportunity to play a part in that.

General (Retired) Tom Lawson

By Sarah Jessop, Human Resources Generalist

April is World Autism Month, an annual opportunity for a dedicated conversation and celebration of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism touches more than 70 million people globally, and at ASP we have a number of employees who either have Autism or know someone who does.

In fact, 1 in 44 people are on the Autism spectrum, with this number continuing to grow each day as more children and youth in Canada are diagnosed with ASD.

There is no one type of Autism, but many. Each case is unique, as each individual with ASD experiences their own challenges. We encourage you to take some time to learn more about Autism by reviewing the resources on the Autism Canada website here.

With ASD diagnosis rates increasing for Canadian children, we have no doubt that many ASP employees are parenting or caring for a child with ASD.

In celebration of Autism, we’d like to share some resources for the parents and caregivers of these children so that you have the knowledge and resources needed to help them thrive in their community.

Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Before getting an assessment and diagnosis, it’s important to pay attention to the signs of Autism in your child. The initial signs of Autism vary widely and can appear at different times. Some show signs at a very young age, while others don’t show signs until later in life.

Understanding, embracing and celebrating the different ways that individuals with ASD think and do encourages those with Autism to reach their full potential. Some of the great skills that individuals with ASD may possess include, but are not limited to:

  • Attention to detail (thoroughness, accuracy)
  • Deep focus (concentration, freedom from distraction)
  • Observational skills
  • Absorb and retain facts (excellent long-term memory, superior recall)
  • Visual skills (visual learning and recall, detail focused)
  • Expertise (in-depth knowledge, high level of skills)
  • Methodical approach (analytical, spotting patterns)
  • Novel approaches (unique thought processes and innovative solutions)
  • Creativity (Distinctive imagination, expression of ideas)
  • Tenacity and resilience (Determination, challenge opinions)
  • Accepting of difference (less likely to judge others, may question norms)
  • Integrity (honesty, loyalty, commitment)

Getting an Assessment and Diagnosis

If you believe your child could have Autism, the best thing to do is speak with your health care provider. They will likely refer you to a specialist that is qualified to assess and diagnose ASD. You can prepare for a meeting with your health care provider or specialist by taking photographs, keeping logs or diaries, or making video recordings that demonstrate any of the aforementioned signs and symptoms.

Below is a table of some of the possible signs and symptoms of Autism that you may see at different ages.

Up to 12 months of age• little or no babbling
• little or no eye contact
• showing more interest in objects than people
• appearing not to hear when spoken to directly
• playing with toys in an unusual or limited manner
• repetitive movements with their fingers, hands, arms or head
• starting to develop language skills but then stopping or losing those skills
Up to 2 years of age• very specific area of interest
• limited or no interest in other children
• behavioural issues like self-injury or self-isolation
• repeating words or phrases without appearing to understand them
• difficulty with reciprocal social interactions (like playing peek-a-boo)
• liking to have things a certain way, such as always eating the same food
Any Age• little eye contact
• distinct reactions to:
» lights
» tastes
» smells
» sounds
» colours
» textures
» very specific interests
» repeating words or phrases (echolalia)
» repetitive behaviours, such as spinning
» nonverbal communication or delayed language development
» intense reactions to minor changes in routine or surroundings

Government Programs and Support

ASP employees throughout the country should consider the government resources in their province if they are the parent or caregiver of a child diagnosed with ASD. Below is a list of just some of the offerings available in your region:

Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)
  • The Alberta FSCD program works with eligible families to provide support and services based on each child and family’s needs.
  • More information can be found here:
New Brunswick
Preschool Autism Program
Nova Scotia
Support for Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • The government of Nova Scotia offers a variety of programs and services for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, such as Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention and Direct Family Support Programs for Children (DFSC).
  • More information can be found here:
Ontario Autism Program
  • The Ontario Government’s Autism Program offers foundational family services, core clinical services, urgent response services, caregiver-mediated early years programs and an entry to school program on a needs-basis.
  • More information can be found here:
Services for Persons with a Physical or Intellectual
Disability or an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

By Laurel Woodhouse, Manager, Health and Safety

ASP Employees! Our final participation rate for the 2022 Health & Safety Perception Survey was 40%. We thank you for both your participation and your honesty. Your feedback is an invaluable tool for this organization’s success.

Thank you to all those employees who participated in our 2022 ASP Health & Safety Perception Survey which closed on March 30, 2022.

What’s Next?

1. Results Overview:
Within the next month, our leadership will be following up with their employees and sharing their department specific results.

2. Detailed Results:
Within the next two months, our leadership team will create focus groups made up of employees from each department. The goal of these focus groups will be to brainstorm an action plan focused on improving the two lowest scores in each department. We hope to see these areas improve when we conduct this survey again in 2023.

Interpreting your scoreChecking your score below along with the suggestions for next steps. The
levels in the visual above will guide you in interpreting your final score on a
0 4 scale.
Level 1Final score is less than 2.
Your work in health & safety needs attention and improvement. Contact H&S team for guidance on developing an action plan.
Level 2Final score is less than 3.
Specific health and safety practices at your site need some improvement. The lower scored items should be a focus area for you. Review your practices and consult with H&S team for guidance in developing an action plan.
Level 3Final score is equal to or greater than 3 but less than 4.
You are performing well overall. The lower scored items should be a focus area for you. Continue to strive for excellence with continuous collaboration work.
Level 4Final score is 4.
A score of 4 indicates that your safety culture is currently functioning at an optimal level. This is the result of continuous, collaborative work. Well done keep doing what you are doing.

Thanks again for your participation! Your feedback will help make our organization a great place to work.

Safety Culture Assessment Survey Results

The table below shows a detailed report of your Safety Assessment Survey results.

The percentage column indicates the percentage of employees who chose “ Most or all of the time” as their answer.

At my site, employees work safely even when the manager or supervisor is not around?87%
At my site, incident investigations are focused on fixing the problem, not laying blame?80%
At my site, safety is as important as the clients’ needs?86%
At my site, do all employees have the information needed to work safely?84%
At my site, the ASP employees responsible for safety (managers and supervisors) have the authority to
make changes they deem necessary?
At my site, ASP employees are recognized for working safely?75%
At my site, do all ASP employees have the tools/equipment to work safely?77%
At my site, ASP management is visibly/actively involved in the safety?71%
At my site, communication is open, and ASP employees are encouraged to voice concerns and make
At my site, there is a trained first aid attendant available at all times?56%
At my site, ASP employees are encouraged to report near misses (close calls) and hazards?81%
At my site, ASP management applies the same safety rules to everyone?86%
Average score March 202278%

By Eryn Henry, Manager, Resource Planning

Being on time for work and being at work, is not always easy, but it’s always important. You are part of a team, and other people on your team rely on you coming to work every day and on time.

Being on time shows commitment to the job and this is one type of attribute that is looked for when considering promotions. Below is a list of steps to help you be on time, every time.

1. Prevent illness.

One of the most common reasons for absences at work is sickness – especially during a pandemic. While it’s not completely preventable, there are things you can do to reduce your chances of getting sick.

Make sure you and your family wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs. While in public, maintain some physical space from strangers (social distancing). Drink plenty of water, exercise, eat well, and be sure to get your vaccinations.

2. Prepare in advance.

Prepare for work the night before. Get your clothes ready for your shift or for special meetings. Make your lunch and have it ready in a bag so that you just have to grab it out of the refrigerator as you leave in the morning. Fill your gas tank on the way home from work rather than in the morning so you won’t have to stop in the morning.

3. Sleep is critical.

Getting enough rest is a pledge to help you achieve your punctuality and attendance commitment.

If you have trouble falling asleep, incorporate new habits such as dimming the lights, developing a routine like walks before bed, reading or drinking a soothing cup of decaffeinated tea. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep every night to keep you healthy and energetic for the morning. The snooze button on your alarm clock can be your worst enemy. If you’re prone to hit it a few times before finally dragging yourself out of bed, set your clock earlier to give you enough time for two or three snoozes or toss it and get a clock that doesn’t come with a snooze button.

4. Emotional wellness is key.

Practice healthy habits such as reducing the amount of caffeine you drink at night, eating balanced meals, and exercising on a regular basis. You’ll have more energy, maintain a more positive attitude and be ready for the beginning of your shift.

5. Maintain a work-life balance.

Make sure you spend sufficient time with your friends and family and include hobbies and entertainment in your regular schedule. A significant amount of absenteeism on the job can be due to stress and/or dissatisfaction outside of work. If you don’t have a balance in your personal life, you may be unconsciously sabotaging your efforts at work by finding seemingly credible excuses to take a breather from responsibility.

6. Finally, set goals for yourself.

Sometimes it’s easy to get in a rut and it’s tempting to take a day or two off of work for a change. Instead of missing work, consider other ways to change your mix things up like setting goals and incentives for yourself. For instance, after a month of perfect attendance, reward yourself by going out to dinner with friends or do something special just for you.

By Laurel Woodhouse, Manager, Health and Safety

ASP Health and Safety participated in 2022 NAOSH week at Toronto Pearson International Airport from May 2- 6, 2022.

North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week

This year marks 25 years of bringing safety and health awareness to employers, employees, and the public. To celebrate, from May 2 to May 6, 2022, Airport employers shared tips and info on how we all can help keep our airport, passengers, and employees safe. Airport employees were also able to participate in online contests for a chance to win prizes!

Topics for the week

  • Monday: Day 1 – Airport Safety Programs
  • Tuesday: Day 2 – Reporting and Recognition
  • Wednesday: Day 3 – Emergency Planning and Preparedness
  • Thursday: Day 4 – Safe Movement of People, Planes and Passengers
  • Friday: Day 5 – Foreign Object Debris Safety

I look forward to seeing you at this event next year.

By Ivanna Skotar, Canine Handler

After several months of planning our first ever canine division fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto with teammates from across the country – we are proud to say we successfully surpassed our goal of $10,000 and we were able to raise OVER $11,000.

The Hospital for Sick Children is affiliated with the University of Toronto, and is Canada’s most research- intensive hospital and the largest center dedicated to improving children’s health in the country. Sick Kids creates ground-breaking clinical and scientific advancements and train the next generation of experts in child health. It holds dear to some of our handlers, as they’ve had medical treatments there themselves when they were young. With 27 registered participants/ handlers in our canine unit, it was a great success. The competition consisted of a 3-part challenge. The winner of the challenges was the canine and handler with the fastest time and highest amount of finds combined from all 3 events.

Event One consisted of 32 scent cans in 4 rows where there will be 3 target odors placed randomly intermingled with 29 distractor scents. The goal is to find the 3 as fast as possible.

Event Two consisted of a specified measured enclosed area, where the handler must remain at the entry point and not assist the dog whatsoever in finding the single- placed hide. The handler had an option to do the search off-leash or with a long line. The timer ends when the handler successfully calls the dog’s indication.

Event Three was also an enclosed search area with an unknown amount of odors placed randomly throughout. The canine-handler team was given 4 minutes to find as many hides as possible. Teams were scored here on how many finds they found in the shortest amount of time.

Placing first overall, was handler Marc-Andre and canine Zora from Montreal, Quebec. With her lightning speed, it was hard to keep up with her. The second overall was handler Chris Brown with canine Sasha from Toronto, ON. Sasha’s great nose was precise and quick!

Very special thank you to our corporate sponsors – without you, this would not have been possible. From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to thank AgapiK9, Omega Alpha Pharma, Olympus K9, and DJD Inc. We were also fortunate to have many other donors that contributed to our raffle and handler prizes. Another special thank you to our guest judges Karen Apfel, Yanick Choquette, and Jean-Marc Dugas across the provinces. We could not have done it without you!

An extreme amount of hard work and dedication went into this fundraiser. First, we’d like to thank our committee which consisted of 3 of our handlers across some of our provinces and our Master Trainer. Special shoutout to Paige MacDonald, Krista Hockey, Ivanna Skotar and Russ Fox for working tirelessly to put together an incredible fundraiser. We truly look forward to being just as successful next year, and hope to open it up to many others – including our entire ASP family.

Lastly, TRUST YOUR DOG, and we will see you all next year.

By Karl Katzur, Manager Operations

YSB was a beehive of activity through the month of May. The airport saw a marked increase in the number of daily flights from all airlines and a notable increase in passenger counts.

Throughout this busy period ASP also managed to increase its staffing levels with the addition of four new guard members. Thanks mainly to the efforts of Nadia Onorato and her recruitment team as well as Sarah Jessop and the HR team.

On Friday May 27, 2022, YSB opened the terminal to non-passengers and allowed family and friends into the airport for the first time in over two years. On Tuesday May 31, 2022, YSB conducted their mandated mock disaster exercise. A simulated airline crash and an active armed passenger were the focus of the exercise. ASP Security participated with a record attendance of seven guards and two supervisors.

Senior YSB staff reported that the ASP Security team carried out all emergency response procedures with a high degree of efficiency and professionalism. ASP security staff at YSB want to wish all management and staff a pleasant and safe summer season.

By Noman Butt, Client Manager

Supinder Khangura started with ASP on April 13, 2022. On May 4, 2022, Supinder was working at a post she had just been trained on, the construction gate, when she was met with by a GTAA Officer for Security Planning. The client had this to say about their interaction with Supinder:

“I attended the gates today and I was speaking to the guard at V313A. She was very knowledgeable and knew her post order very well. She smiled and told me that she loved her job, and it was very reassuring having her at this post. I think it’s good to recognize hardworking individuals.”

Supinder presents herself in a professional manner and she enjoys working for ASP at Toronto Pearson International Airport. We are incredibly proud of what she has achieved in such a short time.